The Garden Planner has a full range of common vegetables, fruit and herbs which can be added to your plans. For each plant detailed growing information is just a click away. Once added to the plan the software calculates how many plants you can grow and the recommended dates to sow, plant and harvest them in your area. You can also define your own varieites with their own spacing and dates.
VIDEO: Adding Plants and Varieties in the Garden Planner
The Garden Planner has a full range of common vegetables, fruit and herbs which can be added to your plans. For each plant detailed growing information is just a click away. Once added to the plan the software calculates how many plants you can grow and the recommended dates to sow, plant and harvest them in your area. You can also define your own varieites with their own spacing and dates.
can I integrate the intensive garden spacing, like the 2-1-2?
Can i add a custom plant to the defaults list , so i don't have to re-create it every time i plan a new garden ? Or change the picture of a plant ? Example i want a picture of round zucchinis instead of long ones.
My plants are only placable with a number one at the top right corner and I cannot click and drag.
If you want to download the latest software version of the software Links are given belo,