March 24, 2025

VIDEO: Simple Tomato Seed Saving Methods

2 really simple methods for saving and storing tomato seeds. Tomato seeds seam to be the hardest seeds to save, they are so picky and finicky that one little error and they mold, or are not viable. use these 2 methods to keep all your seeds viable for up to 2 years!

*remember, only save heirlooms*
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27 thoughts on “VIDEO: Simple Tomato Seed Saving Methods

  1. So Luke when you plant your heirloom tomatoes do you keep them away from other heirloom varieties and or hybrids because of cross pollination.. I would love to start saving a few tomato seeds, have never done it.. thanks for the video

  2. I did the paper towel method. I am into the easiest way. Thanks for the video. Sorry about the contest, I thought there would be a lot more entries. Will send you my info. Thanks again!!

  3. Not to knock this traditional fermentation method but after saving seeds for 40 years just spreading them on index cards, I tried fermenting them once last year for the first and last time. Way too much unnecessary time consuming work. I will not be doing it again.
    I get as close to 100% germination all plants just drying them with the clear jell on them. Sometimes if I have a spare minute I pop the jell by pushing down on them with the tip of my finger. Please click on my name to see my Videos

  4. it is good to see that some of the younger generation is taking up the task of saving seeds most of the younger peopele i know dont even have a garden and the ones that do always buy the cheap stuff in wal mart or lowes or other stores like that again great vid and keep up the good work

  5. thank you so much for this video. this is my first time saving seeds…your process with options along the way is very helpful. here's hoping it works well for us, i have 4 types to save.

  6. my friend gave me a volunteer tomato plant last year which i planted in a flower box & lost a few tomatoes (they are grape sized) off the plant and they fell into the soil. To my surprise this year I found 3 healthy beefy plants growing and it was after this that I decided to "harvest" seeds from the future fallen fruits. How many seeds do I plant after i do finally get the seeds dried?

  7. I can see why you'd consider this unnecessary use of your time ledburnerss but I'd just like to mention that t's not only for improving germination. This process happens in nature when the fruit drops and decomposes. During that process it eliminates any plant diseases that could pass on to next year when you plant them. It can increase plant vigor as well. This process slowly eliminates any diseases over several years to the point where they won't exist if you are diligent.

  8. That sounds good. I'll give it another shot but I wish there was an easier way to just dry on index card and eliminate diseases.
    Don't some of the diseases just blow over from other locations and infect the plants when already grown? I believe so. Do you ferment squash seeds and pepper seeds and lettus and flowers, cucumbers, + + ? I feel that when the contents of a squash ferment outdoors it attracts more diseases. I just dry them all on my 108" long narrow table on index cards.

  9. To clarify I was just talking about taking care of 99% of your seed borne/passed on diseases that can develop. If you don't rotate where you plant your crops and put them in the same spot every year you will have soil diseases and negative bug colonies that develop. Look into developing a rotation for yourself if you haven't already. Also plant other things around that attract beneficial predatory bugs and pollinators. Build a top bar natural beehive if you have trouble with pollinators.

  10. Also fermentation protects the seed from disease. You will see this fact in nature if you study what happens during fermentation. You only need to do this method with seeds that are encapsulated in a gel like layer. This layer is to prevent the seeds from germinating prematurely while still inside the fruit itself. If you pick the seeds out and wash them off bypassing this fermenting off the gel layer it inhibits or lowers germination rates in your saved seeds. You can find a list of species

  11. whats wrong with freak tomatoes? lol they adjust better to the climate , selectively pick the best tomatoes for planting each year. on taste, size and disease resistance.

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