This video shows how to build a quail or chicken run in 10 easy steps! So simple anyone can build it to have a great safe run or home for their quail or chickens.
Related Videos or follow ups
Quail Run lessons learnt video
Quail Run Walkthrough
Written Media (Blog)
How to build a quail run
Quail run lessons learnt
Building my quail pen by Jen
Please watch: “5 Fruit Tree & Veggie Patch Questions”
Hi Mark,
Where did you buy the door? Do they sell these at Bunnings?
Hi Gabriel, yes that's exactly where I got my door from
I'm so jealous of you guys in Australia, you don't get snow. I'm in slc UT. We get a lot of the wet snow that sticks to just about anything. A structure like that would definitely crash with the weight of the snow in winter.
Ahh, yes, probably need a lean2 roof and possibly walls. No snow here thankfully, cheers
Break you ten step only to 3 step.ten is still too much.thx
I am looking for a door frame kit like this and I can't find one anywhere online or in stores in the U.S., any suggestions on where I can find one?
could i just line the floor with mesh instead of making a wall around the outside? and just bury the mesh? or make a trench and pour concrete in? seems easier.
I've just started breeding and hatching my own quail and I can't get over how good the hatch rates are.
Great coup and good luck mate
where do you buy your wire mesh ?
hey there! I was wondering what was the brand of the door you used?! its brilliant!
I want to know at the bottom of the chicken coop did you concrete the framing at the bottom in
I wanted to know how many heat lights does it takes for 18 chicken is it 2
how do you get them to lay eggs in a particular spot. mine lay all over
what is the name of the door i was trying to buy one here. doors are so hard to make
Hey Self Sufficient Me,
Where can I buy that door frame? I'm looking everywhere for the same exact one.
Hi there! I'm currently doing tons of research on quails and will be starting my own mini quail farm. Just for egg laying purposes. I was just wondering if you have any tips/facts for me. Or if you can make a video on beginner tips for quails! The web has very minimal information about them. Thank you! I love all your videos!
I made it myself. Just go to woodprix webpage if you'd like do the same
i keep them together
All of my woodworks I made with woodprix. Google and try it.
This time I'll use woodprix instructions to make it myself
You should go to woodprix website if you'd like to make it yourself m8s.
The link to the blog post is broken. Did you delete the blog post?
Did he say attack from Orcs? Is this in New Zealand?
Mate I love ur videos! they're super helpful and informative you wouldn't belive how hard it is to find vids on here made by aussies! I live in Tassie and would like to get into quail, but I'm on a budget would you be able to make a video on raising quail from eggs to food on a budet? cheers Taneke
Thank you for the info! It was just what I’m after. We live in a coastal area in Japan and our pet quails were attacked by a snake last week. I want them on the ground for nutrients and like to keep it as natural as possible for them. So your ideas should be great for my set up.
How do you keep the odor down? I have a small chicken coop I bought from a local feed store. Unfortunately, the ground gets wet, stinky and nasty when it rains. So after every rain, I have to clean and lay new substrate.
So here’s my experience with the Chicken Guard coop door opener: I already have 4 of those $98 curtain/drape openers for over 5 years, all working perfectly. For daylight/sensors I buy a $14 pole light sensor and wire it into the drape opener. I also use the car antenna with solar DC ( ) but they work kind of iffy. But I saw
Deadly vid!
More quail vids please