March 26, 2025

VIDEO: Propagating Redcurrants and Whitecurrants from hardwood cuttings

how to propagate redcurrants and whitecurrants from hardwood cuttings. Works just the same way with gooseberries. A very simple yet effective way of creating new plants.
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20 thoughts on “VIDEO: Propagating Redcurrants and Whitecurrants from hardwood cuttings

  1. Thanks for watching, In my opinion I don't see any need of using rooting hormone as they root so easily and I haven't tried but you can give it a go if you like, it probably will help and also feeding them as well. Huw

  2. Our gooseberries are in the sun whenever it's out and that makes the fruit taste sweeter so if I were you I would plant them in a sunny spot to get nicer tasting fruit as they are not as tasty without sunlight to ripen them. Thanks again! Huw

  3. I am really pleased you like the video! Best time to take them is in early winter and the end of winter but it doesn't really matter as they are so hardy. I took mine different times of the winter and my success rate is about 95% There was only a couple that did not sprout as they had unhealthy buds. Hope this helps and have fun propagating them! Best of luck, Huw

  4. Do you grow any goji berries? They can grow from cuttings, too. They were introduced into Britain in the 1730s, and are found wild in hedgerows. They make quite nice container plants.

  5. Will you do follow up videos? Why are these cuttings – red currant and white currant – being planted in the ground while it seems with the other videos I have seen, you put them in small pots in a green house type setting…

  6. I will do a follow up video if you want but I have sold most of the plants by now. I plant them in the ground as they are very hardy plants and because I do a big batch it is easier to do that rather than use each individual one per pot. The cuttings that I put in pots are either because they are not as hardy or because only a few cuttings are being taken there is not as much point to put it in the ground. Hope that helped!

  7. Hi,
    I followed your instructions for currants and gooseberries from hardwood cuttings.  I just checked (we had one heck of a winter, so everything is late) and the gooseberries are coming out.  I am so pleased.  Give your selves a pat on the back.  The currants are not showing yet but neither is the mother plant.  I think that they come out a little later than gooseberries.  Anyway- thanks a bunch!

  8. Hi there from Washington state, USA. I’m wondering if you’ve propagated blueberries before? I tried from hardwood cuttings and they were doing well but now the stems are turning brown and they are dying. I’m not sure what is going on. Any suggestions?

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