Came back to find the amazing fresh spring growth of my Sweet Chestnuts and Rose. My wild garlic’s have settled in nicely into their new homes.
The best gardening & homesteading channels on Youtube
Very cool!
Thankyou very much
What I want to ask is….Where on Earth are you going to plant all these Chestnut trees???!!! Lol!
Maybe plant a couple but the rest will be to give away or sell when I go to fairs or markets in the future.
shoot I don't recall seeing when you potted up the chest nuts but nice update all the same
I hope I have as much luck when I start (one day) an orchard or two
I didn't do a video of planting them but I will do when there is more!
What was the opening tune
Hi are those chestnuts facing downwards? or are they on there side ?