March 28, 2025

VIDEO: How to grow a Lemon Tree from Seed

In this video I demonstrate two different methods of growing Lemons trees from seed with step by step instructions and also showing some results in the first part of the video. Subscribe to my Newsletter here:

29 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to grow a Lemon Tree from Seed

  1. I have a confusion.
    After soaking the seeds in water for 2 days, it is necessary to peel of the white seed coat ? Or not ?
    And what is the normal germination time of lemon seed ?
    And one more thing that where they should keep near the window or any where ?
    Please reply
    Waiting for your reply…..

  2. Hi !! I did exactly what you showed here and now i got a pretty little tree coming out and it took only 4 days … isn't this amzing ?!?!?!
    Im so happy thank you for the video ! But i wonder if they will get really big? or how tall would they be? I grow them inside cus i live in an apartment. What should i do next?? 🙂

  3. hey Huws, really like your gardening vids. their very informative and interesting. I do some gardening too here in Hawaii and your vids are very helpful. I think that its so cool to see such a young person so interested in gardening. Keep up the good work!

  4. Love this! I have some dwarf lemon trees that I bring in the house after late fall. I have been so tempted for so long to grow them from seed but wasn't sure it would work. Does it matter when I pick the lemon for seed selection? Also can I do this with my little orange and lime trees too? Love your channel and ideas! :0)

  5. Hi! No it doesn't matter which lemon seed you pick, just make sure it's nice and big. Yes of course you can and sometimes with oranges you will get 2-4 plants from one seed! Thankyou 🙂

  6. Please help. My lemon plant has sprouted and has been growing on my window seal for about 2 months. It's the end of Sept now and fall has started… What do I do next? Keep it inside, replant it inside? I need your advice please help. It is getting big with about 7 leaves. Thanks.

  7. I used your method of planting direct into the soil about 9 months ago, I now have 3 lovely lemon plants on my kitchen window sill approx 16cm tall.   Thanks for the great video.

  8. Quick question, should it always be moist and when should it be uncovered? And can i get an estimated time when/if it starts to show a leaf, thank you

  9. I followed your instructions, and it worked like a treat.
    Though from planting germinated seeds it took about a month till the seedlings broke the surface.
    Should I leave them in my green house over winter or bring them indoors?

  10. i used the ziplock bag method and it worked pretty well in i think 1 and a half week if I'm right. only one hasnt sprouted but the others all have

  11. I planted lemon seeds about two weeks ago, in the soil, I thought it already died. this morning I decided to dig the soil to see if the seed are dead, it has roots! I'm so happy! so I planted it again. will it survive?

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