Lovely fresh red strawberries are a favorite in many gardens but can be depressing when you pick them and turn over the sides to see rot and that is already one strawberry down. So I will be demonstrating how to stop the strawberries from rotting by using a simple yet effective method
Thanks for the tip
Nice tip Huw. The use of straw to hold the strawberries off the dirt is actually why they are call strawberries. Using straw like this also gives you the added benefit of mulch.
I was wondering if that was where the 'straw' came from, thanks a lot and great tip!
Ouch that must be so many strawberries! What do you do with them all?
No problem and thanks for watching!
Yeah sure and I will make a video harvesting them! Thanks
I was wondering if I could use simply dries grass cuttings…thanx for answering my question! I will be sending you another video of my grape vine soon to show you how it is getting on…I think you will be surprised! x
Yeah you could and that would work just as well, try it out now before it gets too late!
Can't wait to see the progress of your grape vine!!!
Would this also be a good idea for summer squash which tends to lay on the ground
Yes it would work the same way! Thanks
is that straw or hay?
I mulched with wood chips. Didn't work. I mulched with grass cuttings. Didn't work.
IF YOU CAN GET IT, clean pine straw pine needles) is prime mulch for strawberries. Slugs HATE the rough texture. Planting a sacrifice crop of lettuce also helps reduce slug pressure.
Hello sir. I am from india and I also grow Strawberry plant but sir our all fruits became Deshaped. Please help me. What medicine we need to use to prevent from this problem.
I have all ways thought this is why there called Strawberry's.
Excellent. Straightforward simple and quick description. Keep it up.