I have finally decided it was time to transplants my citrus seedlings and they are all doing really well and the look really nice in their new home! I hope you like this video and please check out my channel and other videos also check out my Facebook page:
Can citrus trees live outdoors in your area? I live in north Carolina at the beach will it do okay year round outside?
No unfortunatley they don't the enviroment with us is wet and goes down to -15 winter time, What was the lowers temperature did u have last winter? Thanks
nice to see somebody having better luck then me at growing many types of citrus
now with that seed producing three trees will they all perform the same ? that is produce fruit just like the one the seed came from ? I have so far three seeds that have two trees but silly me unlike you I did not keep track I do know it's not lemon as I don't buy those
lol Keep up the good work and thanks for sharing
Yes the ones with 3 sprouts will all be the same tasting fruit and most likely if I am right the same as the parent plant (taste the same out of the orange I got it from. Thanks for watching and the comment!
Yes! Polyembryony is common in certain citrus. "Nucellar embryos give rise to seedlings that are of the same genotype as the female parent."
Yeah I noticed that! Thanks
The lowest was probably 30 degrees
Yes they will be able to stand it but only for a short time best to cover it, Thanks
Thanks so much for this video. My seedlings looked like they were ready to transplant as they are the size of yours.
Thank you! I look forward to transplanting mine and seeing my trees progress!
Hello. How old were your orange seedlings in this video when you transplanted them ? Thank you.
I have a lemon tree from a seed from following your video. It is very tall now, about 3 years old, but no fruit. When should I expect fruit? Was I supposed to cross-pollinate it?
Is that a lama I hear in the background
is there a following of this video? I would like to see at what stage you repotted those citruses again.
Hi I have 3 lemon trees in a pot about the size of yours and they are 4 months old and about 4 inches tall. Should I transplant them or should I let them grow a little longer?