Make easily this fungicide using two common kitchen ingredients.
Save money and see results with this concoction that will help with fungi and mildew, such as late blight, early blight, downy mildew, white mold, grey mold, powdery mildew and much more.
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Apply early in the morning…it's 9:30 here…. LOL… If this works, I'll be a happy man!
1:1 ratio of oil and baking soda to 1.5 gallon water. Did you use only 2 tsp of each?
How often do i spray them?
Would it be possible to just show us without the chin music?
you're so young!!! Thanks for the past 8 years on YT.
Old tyme video! You remind me of Kenau Reeves from bill and Ted
What is the recommended frequency of application?
This was great, thanks, been searching for "home remedies for toenail fungus using vicks" for a while now, and I think this has helped.
Have you researched – Riddleagan Grabbing Benefit Remedy (google it)? It is a smashing exclusive product for getting rid of foot fungus minus the headache. Ive heard some incredible things about it and my buddy at last got great results with it.
Scooby-doo where are you?
Thank you so much for this video!
Ah okay, so it IS the pH. Interesting. I wonder how this would affect blueberry or other acid loving plants.
I found the oil will cause the leaves to burn under the sun. Wouldn't dish soap instead of oil work also?
I found fungus at the base of my hydroponic tomatoes
How about getting to the point.
godamit its going to rain what will it do?
You are do young! Love your channel!
You've been doing this a while. You're so young here. Thank you for sharing your gardening wisdoms.
You look so you here, lol.
I want something that works quick. Cost is secondary when the tomatoes quit growing. B
OMG you were a kid! Got here from a back reference from a more recent video – feels like I’m looking at your high school yearbook. Thanks for the continued great content!
Thank you, Vintage Luke!
OMG you are so young. I used the link from a more newer vlog.
Awwww 2012
@MIgardener you said 1 to 1 mixture but you put 1 Tbs of oil and 2 Tbs of baking soda is that correct?
How many liters in that gallon??
Wow you look so different