June 28, 2024

20 thoughts on “VIDEO: Look at my Grape Vine cuttings!

  1. so far I've no luck using willow as a rooting agent ๐Ÿ™ so I stuck my cuttings in with the worms either they will start growing or be worm food ๐Ÿ™‚ I'll try again next spring. great looking grapes Huw can't wait to see when they start producing fruit for you ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. wow they look great, and your tunnel looks really cosy, im sick of getting wet but your tunnel is the size of my house nearly..so i can only dream…lol. looking forward to your next video x

  3. Wow nice grape cuttings! they are looking great! and im glad i may get a chance of winning one! at the begining of this video i was thinking man i really want one of those, so fingers crossed i get lucky! i will definitely be entering your contest! can't wait for future videos! and your polytunnel looks great! like a jungle almost ๐Ÿ˜‰

  4. I know they are great and I will be doing a video for the contest soon! Wait for a bit and it will be open! Thanks and like you said, thanks means a lot!

  5. Aw Huw im so jellous!!! ibeen trying to get over a grape vine for ages but im not paying shop prices for 1 lol wish you lived closer to me so i culd take a lil cutting, i need grapes for next year so will probably walk to loca lotments to see if any of the older fellas have 1 i can snip a bit off lol, great looking polly tunnel matey, keep up the great vids mate

  6. Nice cuttings!! I just pruned a long branch from my main grapevine and made some cuttings! Planted them in a 5 Gallon bucket and I'll see within the next month how they do!

  7. Nice video. You may also want to checkout the review of my grape vine on my blog at inspirereviews. com/my-grape-vine-review/ Thanks, Andri.

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