Tiller/rotary hoe demonstration with tiller description, use, and finishing with furrow building, irrigation, and weed mat installation. Full article is on the blog http://www.selfsufficientme.com/blog/view/345/tiller_or_rotary_hoe_what_to_get_and_how_to_use_
Please watch: “5 Fruit Tree & Veggie Patch Questions”
Love what I have seen of your site, Have you looked into no dig gardening? No gas required, less damage to the fungi and microbes in your soil that break down the the food your plants eat. I use to till, however if you are into this for the long haul, as you get older, there will come a time when you will physically not be able to do it. From what I can see you have an ideal location for a permaculture environment, which as a by product will give you more time to enlighten the world with your writing. Thank you Mark for making the world a little bit better.
I quite like the idea of no till Gardening but worried by the fact that it requires the use of chemical herbicides or massive deployment of labour (read expensive) to control weeds. I wonder if there is a happy middle ground to address this nasty trade off i.e. pulverise the soil with mechanical devices thus making it vulnerable to erosion and nutrient depletion or destroy the ecosystem and introduce potentially harmful chemicals into the food chain with the use of weed killers in untilled ground
i used one like this, just a bit bigger. A word of advice, dont use this on grass. it will excelerate like a jack rabbit.
Can you show me how did you make the furrors please.
You know why so you need to till the soil? So UV light can kill what underneath the soil: anaerobic bacteria, facilitate gas exchange, replenish N2, O2, CO2.
You cannot till well if you plant it in boxes.
thanks for the vid – about to rent one to till my entire front and back yard and garden. Great to get a sense of whats involved.
how much if i order then delivery in the philippines?
Nice video. What's the name of the music?
This music is hilarious!!!
Thank you. If I may ask, what do you do to handle roots that are too large? Is there a second piece of equipment besides hand tools to A, go deeper than a tiller and B, handle the larger roots? thanks
If I total weed killed my lawn then just sent this over would it mash the turf up enough to level?
It looks like my simplicity tiler.
Your soil is so black. What did you put in it?
About to use one to these for the first time, thanks for this info!
Use eye protection!
Nice mashine, but it seem to be weak! Greetings from germany!
You make it look so easy, I have one of these things and its like wrestling with Godzilla. I'm thinking about getting a pull behind for the garden tractor.
I just finished assembling my roto tiller and wondered how you move it due to the forward and reverse only transmission. Thanks for the tip on removing the tire lock rings. Would it have been too hard to add a neutral transmission setting?
The last tiller I used was gas powered and many years ago↝↝>share4.photo/eCultivator?ㅊ10 I got the SMALL one (11 inch) and it is VERY powerful. It takes all my strength to keep it "on track" but I mean this in a good way. I am very pleased with how powerful it is. I am only using it to resurface my lawn and to put in a garden in the backyard. Assembly instructions were a little bit confusing, but not impossible to figure out. My main complaints are minor. I think the "power connector" is a bit loose, but I imagine this is a safety feature. The tiller "kicks" a lot, so it has the potential to "fly away" and a lose connector might aid in preventing problems. Second quibble is the "connectors" for the wheels. They are just screws, so they tend to "unscrew" after even a little bit of use and the wheels fall off. Perhaps another type of connector would be better…? Other than that, excellent quality for the price. Saved me hours of work. Thank you!
Hey, having quite a strong clay like soil here in NZ, which is very dry right now before the rain season, i take it that it is a must that I need to wet first for easier tilling?
OMG. You look just like me using that thing. It’s like controlling a wild animal! But this is so much different than everyone else using a tiller on YouTube! Hope it’s easier next year!
Where did you get this tiller from Mark?
You must have very low expectations. I think it looks like a muddy mess. But that machine will never be as good as a Howard Gem.(by far the best walk behind tiller ever made and no longer manufactured)
But you should always rototill in a straight line, not in circles or zig zags.
And for your finish pass you should never leave tire tracks or footprints. It should be smooth and straight and pretty when you're finished.
Sorry silly question from a beginner: I want to level my back garden, do you think I can use this machine to remove the grass and loosen up the soil before planting grass seeds?
Can it be used on lawn to prepare the land
Mine keeps wanting to take off into the distance, I’m spending so much energy trying to keep it from going crazy
When using a garden tiller, when tilling the garden, the tines should be in REVERSE the whole time you are tilling your garden it makes it easier to work with. Most tillers have this in the instructions and written actually on the tiller itself.