Good Luck! The contest is for everyone and is really easy to enter. Here are the rules:
*Any age
*Must be subscribed to me on YouTube
*Comment or post a video response on this video saying what your favorite plant is or gardening project you are doing
*Spread the word via social networks, telling friend and family and if you make a video about it you will get a thank you shout out.
*closing date is Saturday October the 27th 27/10/2012
*I will choose the comment or video response that interests or inspires me the most.
*Prizes are bare rooted plants, including a grape vine, redcurrant and other soft fruit. If your country or state has regulations on sending plants you will receive some quality gardening tools and hopefully some gardening books.
*I’m able to ship internationally
Good luck everyone!
Well, I would have to say that the very first gardening "thing" that inspired me to keep gardening for many years is when I received my very first plant that was my own, not having to share with the brother and sisters, just my own when I was very young. That special plant that is still with me to this day is my giant barrel cactus. It has traveled with me to many homes and sits proudly on the border of my back patio in a huge pot. If my whole garden was at stake, this cactus would be the o
one question this responsibly of injuries your not accepting is that in case the plants are destroyed at the border or different kind of injuries I don't know about ?
well I hope you do in any case. good luck to all who enter and everybody have fun
Great idea for a contest and wow almost so many likes subscribers and views sweet I'm sure by the time this contest is done you'll have many more of each
I think my favorite plants would have to be orchids. Because there are so many colors, shapes, and sizes. My first orchid was given to me by a good friend that has a plant nursery.
I am just covering myself if I get sued in case someone hurts themselves on the prizes
and if they have strict border controls they will receive tools and books. Thanks for all your support!
Fav, plants Super hot peppers, and my comment is, its young gardeners like you that inspire older gardens like me , i was very suprizered to see someone so young as you,to be such a good gardener, keep it up
We have just discovered a greater butterfly orchid in our field Lovely!
That's AWSOME :0
Will you be entering?
I already did
Gotta love the indoor white & pink orchid, and outdoors i actualy love the cucumber, shape of leavs way it grows and the bright yellow flower before the abundance of green cucumbers, as for "inspiring" well i like the "homemade" projects the upside down planters that asked to copy and did a video on and the likes of other prjects likethat to help people grow food for free
great vid Huw as usual and il be keeping a eye on this contest as i want a grape!!!! lol 
hi, just made a video responses, now uploading it.
but i may redo it at a later date when the weathers nicer, so i can actually set up a camera.
I can't wait to see it! Thanks for doing it and don't worry about the weather! Thank you
hi, just to let you know the reason i haven't upload my video is because my laptop crashed while i was uploading it and i hadn't saved it. :O i now can't find the footage anywhere on my laptop. so i'm give up and filming it again, i'll post it soon
Great, I'm sorry to hear about your Laptop, Thanks
Thanks and I can't wait, this should be a promising entry, Good luck
great to hear, that would be wonderful, thanks
now..ive post it
I have roses yellow red pink and white. I don't know how to put pic on here my pic is one of them and I have made a video page on here I love to get some of your plants but I don't think ill win but I like trying.
My favorite plant is a daisy
Oh my god you've come so far now
and grown so much