March 7, 2025

VIDEO: Update and Transplant of my Mint Cuttings

I hope you like my new intro. The cuttings did so well in the solution of water and a bit of rooting hormone. This is an update of the roots, which some of you might have seen on my Facebook page: They are really doing well and I will be using them as stock plants and maybe a prize for the contest:

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9 thoughts on “VIDEO: Update and Transplant of my Mint Cuttings

  1. congrats on the many views and nice song for both intro and video ending sir 🙂 now correct me if I'm wrong but did you upload the transplanting of that ornamental grass before this video ? 😀 cause I'm sure i seen you divide it up and get three or four pots out of it 🙂 not that it matters much I've not gone to bed yet but soon. lol Have yourself a wonderful day.

  2. ooh nice music and love how youve done the ending, but what was that noise?..scary monster in the woods ! got my mint in just water..they are doing ok too. have a great holiday and congrats on all your views and subs but most of all thanks Huw for the inspiration you have gave me….if it wasnt for you i wud never have tried growing anything x

  3. I am really pleased that I have been inspiring you as that is why I have my channel. Thank you for watching! It was a bird scarer that makes that sound in the wind. I am pleased you are doing the mint method!

  4. I have just fixed my reply comment thing! Thanks for showing me how, those will be in the next video fingers crossed. I can't wait to go to Italy, I hope your parents enjoy! Thanks Kalem again!

  5. I'm pleased that you like my intro, yes I uploaded the transplanting or the ornamental grass before this video, as I wanted to make a Intro for this video. Thank and I did have a wonderful day, I hope you had the same.

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