*Note I’m talking about Marjoram/Oregano the perennial Herb* Also knows as Origanum vulgare, Wild Marjoram, Pot Marjoram, English Marjoram, Wintersweet
I have been a supporter of bees for a couple of years now by planting more flowers wherever possible but I am now trying to make as much bee-friendly habitat as possible to save the Honey and Bumble bees as well as hover-flies to make sure that they have a better supply of flowers for them to pollinate which would benefit both us humans and bees, did you know it would cost the UK alone billions of £’s to hand pollinate vegetables and trees, which would make fresh fruit and veg much more expensive and then meat as you need to feed the cows then massive hunger problems, do your bit today by supporting the bees by getting one Marjoram plant for your Garden, you can buy the plants cheaply from a garden center and I will be giving away seeds later on, please please share this video on your Facebook and other social networking sites for your friends and family to know and tell them to share it for other people to know, and so on, bees are the heart of nature, and it is a life threatening cost to lose them. Tell me in the comment below once you have a plant and a website will be up at a later date, you can get Oregano seeds at a good price online
next video should hopefully be Dragon Fruit Transplanting and you should check out this channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/GardenFrugal
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/HuwsGardenNursery
A video from ages ago on propagating it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vERu2IHfNTQ
Wow! That is amazing, I am really pleased that you've done that! Thanks, you are the first person down on my new charity!
I'm glad to be apart of your charity/Campaign, im sure the bees will be pleased too! and i might grow some extra plants to plant around my neighbourhood, ill also give plants to grandparents and friends, also i could plant some in the fields down my road, also im planning to keep bees as i get a bit older, Thanks again Huw
Hey do me a favor, and tell me how many people you have given it too as that will be a great note, my target is 1,000,000 seeds to be brought by the time I'm 30, ambitious but it can be done, thanks
Nice video! I appreciate what you're doing to help support the bees! I'm currently growing oregano and have mint growing too. The bees also really like mint.
I don't Think I'll find The herb you talk about But Basil work too my Bees are Loving the Basil and Borage and
Great to hear that you will be doing that, post some photo's up when they flower! Thanks for watching Kalem
nice plant wonder why it was saying it was down hours ago ? as Kalem says I like your idea but I got two questions for you why not two plants ? one each in front and back yard for those with yards that is and second question that one plant is producing three colors of flowers ? Keep up the great videos love your passion sir
just found some seeds on ebay and it's a herb much like oregano I ordered sweet Marjoram.
Hey could you tell me how many seeds you got? Thanks
don't have them yet but I think it said ten
not many but you can be sure I'll do my best to collect seeds and spread them around
also take pictures as they grow too. I keep forgetting it's about mid morning for you as I head to bed lol.
Well done, those are great plants as well, keep them growing, it really helps
Great video. Love the idea, and thanks for the shout out!!
got a marjoram plant today and a basil, and i heard bees like it also <3
Great idea about fields, roads,etc. Johnny flower seeders lol cool
Hi Huw. Another great idea. Said before, so nice to see young people lovin plants and nature. Love bees, I grow for bees, butterflies, hummin birds, etc. small apt. w/ many plants, but they love it. Working on bat garden. They r almost gone in N.W. Ga. boo.. Keep up all the cool stuff. Really like your show. Ta and cheers!!! P.S. Going to seed adjoining field w/ all I can.;)
Great idea Huw! I don't grow Majoram but I will try to buy a plant soon and will support your campaign. I actually have a solitary bee hive and a solitary insect house that I have left in a shady border, but soon I intend to plant up a different border with roses and lavender and so soon I'm going to place the shelters in that bed. If people cannot get hold of Majoram, I think that lavender, cone flower and nasturtiums are great (although the last two a bit invasive!) Wix is a good web maker jts
Ok I made a mistake in numbers, I got my seeds in the mail today and there are 2000 very tiny seeds in this packet. what was your goal and how close is it to being reached ?
Well I've changed round but my Goal is 500,000 by the time I'm 18, and we have 12,000 seeds so far so 488,000 left, Getting closer
Excellent, Origanum Vulgare Purple Maiden Seeds are on order!
My seeds are in the mail- im also growing classic oregano- and giving them out to friends and family!
I planted marjoram about 3 months ago but it doesn't seem to be getting any bigger any suggestions?
Great Work, join TheBumbleBeeFoundationProject find us on facebook. We will be doing some thing massive in 2014 in regards to saving the Bumble Bees.
this is a big project you are taking on but i wish you every success. it is great to see young people taking an active roll in such important things. it goes to show how much one person can do in their own area to make a change that can have an effect on a much grander scale.
AND don't spray pesticides and herbicides, good idea
Good on you sport, great idea, as a long time honey eater, I love those little fellas, and am going to do my bit with Marjoram, also basil and borage are good bee attractors, I'm with you mate, keep it up! Albert Einstein once said, if the bees ever go, we won't be far behind them!
I like dat yuh quite young N' love natural n natural stuff . tnks Gd info on this video love dat accent to . vy a bless one
Good job there. I've planted marjoram for about 5 years now and they have spread. The bees loves the plant. I get lots of bumblebee and honey bees. They're really interesting to watch and I can basically sit next to the plants and watch them do their work. They're so focused on the collecting the pollens that they are harmless.
Great idea! I have 2. want more now!
I have my Marjoram, upstate NY, USA