March 20, 2025

VIDEO: Lil' 10year builds a ponco hootch

Thanks to for giving my daughter the inspiration to beg me to make a tent. I’ve been wanting to do a series on quick poncho hootch configurations and thought that it would be nice to start out with a vid of my daughter making her first attempt.

3 thoughts on “VIDEO: Lil' 10year builds a ponco hootch

  1. Hello,
    your daughter(and her Daddy) did a really good job! Your daughter is very well educated from you as I can see in this Vid.
    I really like this US Army Poncho, I have the same and that for many years.
    I did not know this technic (I didn´t know any technic at all 😉 and I´m very glad that you teached me this in your Vid.
    I had a lot of Problems when it was windy and rainy, i will test this.
    Is this technic from the US Army?
    Have a nice weekend.
    Blessings from Benny

  2. You must have a huge field experience! Would be great to share with us.
    I like the US Soldiers, when I was a kid, they had a military experience close to where I lived. My friend and I where wandering in the woods, as we saw them we visited them.
    The soldiers gave us bubble gum, we were allowed to wear their helmet and we could proove our English a bit. Later, when I joined the GermanArmy (air defence) we had together military excercises and sometimes we changed our equipment 🙂
    Peace Benny

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