How to all-in-one worm, mite, and lice treatment for chickens and quail.
Update: For those who wish to read more in-depth about mite and lice treatment on chickens and other poultry I have written a very comprehensive article on our blog here
Please watch: “5 Fruit Tree & Veggie Patch Questions”
That's quite a job if you're by yourself and have 30 or 40 chickens. I'm relatively new to chickens but I went with Safeguard liquid put it on some treats and let him have at it
Where can I purchase ivermectin? I can't seem to find it even using the name stromectol? HELP
Forgot to say I'm in the US.
Curious if you still use this? Trying to do as much research about owning poultry and have seen that your channel is the most realistic and not just sugar coated. Most say poultry ownership is perfect and just need to watch their feet, feed and look out for predators.
Is it safe to eat the eggs after the medicine is applied?
I know this is an older video, but wanted to thank you. This video saved my flock back in 2015. Natural is always best, but you can't treat everything with "nuts and berries." All natural is best when it comes to prevention, but will use the best medication available for treatment. Over 20 yrs of trying everything, this has been the best way to go for my animals. Treated over 100 chickens using this method, and it worked like a charm. Unlike other wormers, Ivermectin will kill many parasite eggs so there's really no need to dose 10 days apart, IMO. If it doesn't work, you need to find out which parasite you're dealing with, and treat with the correct medication. Pumpkin seeds, DE, and garlic might prevent, but will NOT treat parasites/lice/mites. The one thing Ivermectin wont treat is coccidia, but the medication corid takes care of that.
For my flock, I treat with Ivermectin in the fall, and corid in Spring unless I see there's a problem. So far, I haven't had to add an extra treatment (knock on wood.) I now have birds at the age of 5-6 who still lay almost every day, and have many chickens who are still healthy over the age of 10. I've seen too animals over the years die due to people refusing to use non natural treatments. It's ridiculous. If you love your animals, do whatever it takes to ease their suffering, even if that means occasionally jumping off the "natural" bandwagon.
Do you need to Stop consuming Eggs for a period of time?
Thank You Dear
Hello, any chance to update this video to 2020/2021? we are about to get chickens into our garden ecosystem,
Does the ivermectin in the manure cause problems with the compost? Does it hurt plants or kill compost worms?
Wow finally someone who is giving great advice I always wonder if there was something like what we use for our dogs ! I’ll try this cuz I been dealing with this problem for a 8 months now I tried everything and those devils keep coming back ! And now my quail are full of them and one died already
is there a link you can provide to where to get them? I’m in California US I can’t find it on Amazon
It's so hard to find it online
Wow 25.00 a bottle? That's great. It was 80.00 here by me.
So does this actually KILL the lice & mites or just repel?
You can also use ivermectin for the Wuhan virus in humans check it out
Where do you buy your Ivermectin? Link please, thank you!
Wownu were so young
Hey there, is this the process you still follow in 2021 with your flock?
Thank you.
I'm nobody's aunt………just saying !
Chickens dine on worms so what's the deal with deworming them? We never deworm chickens in India…instead we feed them all the worms they want
Why discard the eggs? We have taking ivermectin for covid. So bitter. At least Iver eggs would be a tasty way of getting our dose! lol
Is three drops x bird but if I put in water I can put one ml? I have 19 chickens so 3 ml in 8 Lt water is what they usually drink in a day
Thankyou for the info, love your videos
Hi Mark, wish you all a Merry Christmas. I have just got 3 hens for the first time ever and 1 or possibly 2 have watery poo. They are only 22 weeks old and 2 are laying. Being new to this I am not sure if internal or external parasites are the cause. Due to dust baths I can really see any clear sign of anything. The feathers at tail are a little messy on 2 hens and around their cloaca there are feathers with a little sign of poop. How do you tell what your dealing with or being new, do I just start my own regime of both internal and external parasite treatments plz. Thank you! Love your video's. From Victoria Aust.
Ivermectin does not work look at the chicken close to you she keeps scratching