January 10, 2025

VIDEO: Benefits and prep of Rose Hips

Do you realize that a lot of vitamin C supplements are made from Rose Hips and that some vitamin E supplements are extracted from the seeds? Get your own Rose Hips and avoid the other additives in the supplements. Jelly can also be made from rose hips.

9 thoughts on “VIDEO: Benefits and prep of Rose Hips

  1. I didn't know rose hips contained vitamin E. Thanks! Our wild rose hips are tiny, less than 1/4" in diameter, multiflora variety and considered invasive. They do make good fences and the squirrels love them. We have a couple other varieties that grow wild too and get much larger hips, but they are few and far between.

  2. If you attempt the vit E oil again, I wonder if a crock pot would be the way to go? At least you would a low steady heat. Just a thought!

  3. Good tip, thank you! 🙂
    I always peeled my hips earlier, and it`s a real booring and time taking job getting out all the hairs. We have 6 different species here, with different sizes on the hips. All of them taste the same. I`ve taken cuttings from many of the wild ones, and are now growing them in pots all over the garden. They are quite easy to root.
    Hip tea is a wonderful drink in cold winter days.

    Regards, Halvor.

  4. I look foreward to try your technique with cooking the whole hip. It seems much easier.
    Hazelnuts are great to have growing around! You`re lucky!
    The young stright stems are great to use in different craft projects as well. We have many hazelnut trees growing here, but when the nuts are growing and ripening, it`s allways a competition between me and the the Jay (Garrulus glandarius). Both of us will wait to the perfect moment to harvest the nuts. Usally the jay wins, and strip the whole tree. 😉

  5. I wanted to re-watch this. Our mutual friend, Dale Calder sent me some seeds and am excited about planting them. I also realized it had been awhile since I had visited your channel. So sorry. It is getting so hard to keep up with everyone but you have always been one of my favorites. Promise not to stay away so long. God bless.

  6. I've got Rose hips and choke cherry all around my cabin and plan on harvesting a few buckets of each this summer. Thanks for the pointers.

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