June 26, 2024

VIDEO: Introduction to Maximizing Garden Space

You CAN grow food! In this series of videos I am going to take you through strategies, techniques and methods to grow food in small spaces. This video deals primarily with the importance of home food production and a few basic principles

3 thoughts on “VIDEO: Introduction to Maximizing Garden Space

  1. Great ideas for gardening in limited space Jay,

    I love brussel sprouts, problem is so do groundhogs. lol

    for me, growing food is simply fun and I've always liked the idea of being self reliant and making things with my own two hands. I love watching plants grow, especially from seed.

    With all the resources and methods available, limited space is not an issue. I'll do even more vertical gardening and container gardening next year.

    Thanks for sharing!

  2. I like leaf lettuce better, too. Also, I know what you mean about tracking the sun. This year, the trees in our area have grown so much that I am getting very little sun in my veggie plot. During the summer the sun's path changes and I get quite a bit, however I don't like to garden at that time due to the intense heat and bugs. So I am going to be growing in a many different places in the yard next year. 

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