Hello! A long time since my last video so I made this video about propagating geraniums in October as they have just finished flowering and is the perfect time to take cuttings to get new plants for the spring, I hope you enjoyed this video and please help making my channel grow by sharing, favorite this video, like, subscribe and tell your friends about me, two amazing channels:
Yes and I've made a video about it, just go on my channel and on the search channel box type in honey and you will get a video about it
I know they are great, no problem and thanks for watching
All is busy in Wales at the moment with school but the plants are all doing well, thanks for watching
thank you, I'll go look
Nice! Fall is here at night, no freeze tho. Glag all is well! Looking towards more videos! Cheers
Great video buddy. I'm a little under the weather but I really want to make a video response for your contest. Ill work on it.
Oh yeah thanks again for the shout out.
hi, missed you, good luck with your school work. hey! wheres the red bowl? lol x
Hey I hope you get better and thanks for watching
If you are too unwell I dont want you to get worse, thanks
No problem Clint
Thanks you very much
haha lol, it's hidden under the potting bench ha
thanks for watching
Hey thanks for stopping by
Yep it is easy and I love it, thanks for watching Ray
Thank You. You Are Fantastic! Just missed your contest =( Keep Up The Great Work =)
Hey. Great work. Perhaps you can help me with this. I just started propagating my ginkgo tree. Its been anout 3 weeks now and new leaves have grown. I do notice that two of the cuttings are splitting, like the bark is opening up. I dont know whats going on. The leaves ate still green. People at the nursery said its fine, but its not normal to have it split open. I dont know if its time to transplant the plant and the roots need more space. I dont what i should do.
Well that is wierd, sometimes it's the cause of drying up too much with little water or not enough nutrients, you can try with more space and add a little manure for extra nutients, keep me updated thanks
I am just getting into gardening and I really enjoyed your video thanks for posting it
Nice video.
where do you put them in winter??
Well, you made a lot of effort, spoke a lot, unfortunatly, you did all the crucial work off camera…
Thank you
thanks it is good job
Great easy to follow video, I'll definitely give it a go. Did all your cuttings survive?
Just taking my first ever cuttings from geraniums, thanks for a nice quick and easy demo. Shall get to it now
You should always wear gloves when using potting mix,as you can get Legionnaires disease from the mixture.
Most of what you are doing is out of camera range..thanks
In Italian please
Remove that yellowing leaf from the first cutting