Check out my first video in Ultra HD! and in lew of Thanksgiving, I am thankful for all my subscribers, and what a blessing it is to have the sunlight to grow such amazing plants! I hope everyone enjoys, and takes the oppertunity to check out the video in 1080! all videos under 4:00 will be in 1080 from now on! thanks guys and remember to subscribe
VIDEO: Planting up Some Exotic Seedlings! Ultra HD
Check out my first video in Ultra HD! and in lew of Thanksgiving, I am thankful for all my subscribers, and what a blessing it is to have the sunlight to grow such amazing plants! I hope everyone enjoys, and takes the oppertunity to check out the video in 1080! all videos under 4:00 will be in 1080 from now on! thanks guys and remember to subscribe
You can actually tie the orchids to bark and it will grow on nothing but bark and air!
They really need to dry out often so planting in soil won't be good for that.
-John L.
Can you share the link to the site you get your seedlings from please.
Orchids need to be planted in bark or sphagnum moss. It is fine if that root is coming out of the stem because it is an arieal root. (Did I spell that right?!) that root breathes, while the roots in the medium absorb water.
Soil is the #1 killer of orchids
just a tip 
Cool plants. I can't wait to see more about the vanilla as it grows. I have always wanted to try one:)
I love this new channel of yours. This is all new to me so I am learning right along with you. Thanks so much for the vids.
This is SUCH a great idea to do videos for, I'm into it, too!! My next big purchase is a dwarf avocado tree that I'll hopefully graft onto avocado plants I've grown from seed.
Question, though, where did you get your goji berry plant? Is it a dwarf? And I've heard they need a special kind of soil if they're real boji berries, does the website talk about that? K, thanks and I'll definitely keep watching!
such beutiful plants, one day i wan't to be as awesome as you
I have a feijoa also!!!!!! They are very easy and fun plants to grow!
@IsaacsGarden i knew they where called arial roots, but how does the plant get nutrients?
Very cool plants! Have a happy Thanksgiving
For the vanilla, I would probably plant it like another orchid. I would recommend orchid mix or sphagnum moss.
Hi i wanted to ask you if you can pm me the website you got the vanilla orchid thanks.
The bananas are dwarf not really the plant will grow 5 – 6' if you put it in a 5 gallon bucket
fruits in 1 1/2 – 2 yrs mine wont stop growing. Anyway nice plants.
dwarf banana tree will it bear miniature fruit?
how make plant in dwarf ones? by GMO?
nooooo All this GMO stuff needs to stop with people. its not GMO. Seed companies would never take the time to make a dwarf papaya because they count for probably 1% of the fruit consuption in the us. maybe even less. It is just bread for being small, and the seeds are hybridized between two small plants, and then it will remain small.
question is how does dwarf plants come about? whats the process from big tree be come dwarf plants..this type of variety plant or is intervention of lab scientists?
According to the book I got from the company I buy my tropicals called Growing Tasty Tropical Plants, it should be planted in either an orchid potting mix or in sphagnum moss with a support to grow on. It needs a light feeding of a balanced fertilizer every two weeks and at least 60 degrees temp. In the rain forest they attach themselves to the trees with that thing that looks like a root and get their nutrients from the trees. I don't have vanilla but I do have other tropicals.
It depends on the type of trees, in many cases they cross breed trees that for some reason stayed short until they get a true dwarf, or they graft the tree they want to keep a dwarf into root stock that doesn't grow tall. The root stock is not necessarily from the same type of tree or sometimes if it is, it is not known for its fruit, which is why you have to cut off any branch that is growing from below the graft. As to lab, it could be but usually they tell you how it was develop if asked.
Thanks 1caramarie for your explanation..I was cracking my head how this took place..
yes it will
The Goji plant grows real fast i have one in the ground and in a few months it has grown over 1 foot. and they are easy to start from the seeds in the berry themselves. i have tried this.
What is the website address for the tropical plant place you order them from? Thanks you!
I have a dwarf banana growing in regular soil. It grows like crazy and I have already(bought it this summer) taken 4 babies from it. Giving bananaplants to all my friends and family and they all appreciates it since it's such a cool plant

Always wanted to try vanilla but heard that it doesn't give any fruit unless certain conditions are met..
Yay! I'm not the only person under 30 that LOVES growing plants
I have a few orchids that I split apart last year a repotted in an Orchid pot, they have big slits on the bottom and sides to allow airflow to the roots. Then filled with wood chips and peat moss and a little Dynamite 9month fertilizer. The roots like to grab on to the wood chunks and stay moist, but breathe. They are mostly forgotten in a north room and keep popping out pups and flower spikes with just enough water I feel bad I forgot them so much. Hope the vanilla is doing well, I want 1!!
Hey awesome dude what place or website because I really want some very decent seeds thanks
how do i get these plants in india?
Hey Luke… are you still doing the gardening? Get in touch, I do the same thing as you….. e.g. I have a Meyer lemon with 75 blossoms on it this spring!!!