March 25, 2025

VIDEO: Enough Seeds to Start a Plantation!

Good heavens! Who would have thought that 2 letters would hold more seeds than i have ever had in my entire life!!!! I am swimming in seeds! exotics! yay! I am so happy! anyways, many thanks to Ray as well for the wonderfull shoutout, it was realy nice, here is his channel.
Rays Channels –

16 thoughts on “VIDEO: Enough Seeds to Start a Plantation!

  1. I agree! It was super nice of him, I never ask for donations. but when people offer them I am never one to turn down something new! its just amazing the stuff people have on hand. I didn't even know 1/2 that stuff existed!

  2. It is funny you do not remember giving out your address. It was about a year ago you gave it out in a tomato video, maybe he still had it from then. I know I sent you some seed back then and still have the address floating around here somewhere 🙂 that is really cool to open your mail for that kind of surprise. I have a friend that wanted to surprise me with a bay leaf plant but did not want it to freeze in the mail box so told me about it anyways. Have a good one.

  3. on a trip to Terrabella California I got a branch with pistachios, I was drying them for seeds but someone in the house trow them away as trash. you need male and female plants to produce fruit.

  4. Not trying to be the pronunciation police or anything but is the one that you didn't know how to pronounce "naranjilla"? Sounds like it. If it is, then it definitely is a Spanish word and means "little orange" (just so you're not surprised when you plant them and you see an orange there lol). You were right about the double "L" pronunciation and the "J" makes a sound like the "H" in English 🙂

  5. I need to add an alternative heat source and a humidifier to my grow room. At night it has been getting down to 62 or less. I am worried about my Pineapple and other tropical plants. Also do you have a link to your seller in Turkey?

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