March 8, 2025

30 thoughts on “VIDEO: Complete Growroom update – The Plants Have Gone Mad!

  1. You can easily grow almonds from any bag of almonds labeled 'raw' or 'unroasted'; most almonds still in the shell are raw also. If you have a Walgreens in your area, you can buy a 1pound bag of 'natural unroasted' almonds for about 6 bucks. I soak them for 12 hours, and then rinse them with cold water every 4-6 hours until they sprout (a couple of days) and then make a delicious almond milk from them. When they sprout, they become sweet, are more digestible, and it increases the vitamin content.

  2. Your starts are all amazing! Just one quibble: Naranjilla is a Spanish word, so the j is pronounced as a hard H as in Mojave or San Jose, and the double l sounds like the y in yellow. Maybe I shouldn't have brought it up. Sorry.

  3. @TheMicroGarden – Both, what specific lighting do you find best and how much is needed for a given area. For example a few months back Ray from the praxxus channel did a demonstration on compact fluorescent lighting and how many watts to use for x amount of space. Something similar to this would be interesting especially if you have a different type of lighting like T5 tubes or regular "shoplights". Either way it would be a great video.

  4. I maintain a temperature pretty contsant, is will get a little at night, but that simulates what happens in nature. and as far as the best indoor temperature, that varies a bit, but I keep my temperature at around 77-78*F and a humidity of between 65-75%

  5. Hi man, wazzup? Had a question, what kinds of lights do you use, watts, kelvin, lumens? 😉 I'm asking cause I am excited as fuck to get a garden growing with entheogenic and medicinal plants, trees, shrubs, grasses, palms, perennials whatever plants with psychoactive or sickness relieving properties! 😀

    Love to you!

  6. I started growing all sorts of stuff a year ago and now I literally have hundreds of plants; dates, oranges, lemon, pomegranate, avocado, mango, tomatoes  ..etc all herbs as well.. this is addictive and I'm now running out of space with my plants :))

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