The plants in the MIcrogarden Conservatory are going crazy! Follow me on the journey as I create a micro forest IN MY HOUSE. Its going to be a blast!
VIDEO: Complete Growroom update – The Plants Have Gone Mad!
The plants in the MIcrogarden Conservatory are going crazy! Follow me on the journey as I create a micro forest IN MY HOUSE. Its going to be a blast!
thank you!
very cool man…
Those limes from the key lime tree are going to be so delicious! They're pretty sweet
its going up right now. It should be up within 10 minutes or so.
I certainly hope so!! I have no clue when to harvest them, so I am just waiting for them to fall off the tree. hahaha
Yeah, it's pretty hard to tell when they're ripe but that's a good plan lol
it's so beauiful. Haw you tryed to grow coconut???
Have you ever tried growing trees from store bought nuts and if so did you have much success?
It is very hard to sprout seeds from store bought nuts because if they are food grade nuts, they must follow FDA standards, and that usually means sterilization of the seed.
I have not yet, if someone were to send me coconuts I would gladly try it out hahaha
You can easily grow almonds from any bag of almonds labeled 'raw' or 'unroasted'; most almonds still in the shell are raw also. If you have a Walgreens in your area, you can buy a 1pound bag of 'natural unroasted' almonds for about 6 bucks. I soak them for 12 hours, and then rinse them with cold water every 4-6 hours until they sprout (a couple of days) and then make a delicious almond milk from them. When they sprout, they become sweet, are more digestible, and it increases the vitamin content.
Your starts are all amazing! Just one quibble: Naranjilla is a Spanish word, so the j is pronounced as a hard H as in Mojave or San Jose, and the double l sounds like the y in yellow. Maybe I shouldn't have brought it up. Sorry.
Can you do a lighting video?
WOW! That's all i can say!
All The Best,
The Organic Boy
what do you mean by "lighting" like how I do my lights? or what lights I use?
nonono, I have known that the pronounciation was funny for a LONG time, but I stopped trying when I failed spanish 101.
Nice update, great tour : )
@TheMicroGarden – Both, what specific lighting do you find best and how much is needed for a given area. For example a few months back Ray from the praxxus channel did a demonstration on compact fluorescent lighting and how many watts to use for x amount of space. Something similar to this would be interesting especially if you have a different type of lighting like T5 tubes or regular "shoplights". Either way it would be a great video.
Wonderful plants you got there
why thank you! I try my best!
oh definatly! love them!
tropical plants
and a rototiller
I maintain a temperature pretty contsant, is will get a little at night, but that simulates what happens in nature. and as far as the best indoor temperature, that varies a bit, but I keep my temperature at around 77-78*F and a humidity of between 65-75%
Can you bonzi (sp?) a normal, say orange tree?
absolutly! I will be making all mine dwarf trees, all the while integrating techniques of bonsai growing to form the plant, make it strong and space efficiant.
how did you make the pepper spray to get rid of the fungus gnats???
Hi man, wazzup? Had a question, what kinds of lights do you use, watts, kelvin, lumens?
I'm asking cause I am excited as fuck to get a garden growing with entheogenic and medicinal plants, trees, shrubs, grasses, palms, perennials whatever plants with psychoactive or sickness relieving properties!
Love to you!
I started growing all sorts of stuff a year ago and now I literally have hundreds of plants; dates, oranges, lemon, pomegranate, avocado, mango, tomatoes ..etc all herbs as well.. this is addictive and I'm now running out of space with my plants :))