This is the 3rd and final video in our quail slaughter and processing series. Forum: The video shows how to gut a home-grown quail once it has been plucked or skinned. The instructions are broken into steps and easy to follow. Visit our forum from the link above.
Please watch: “5 Fruit Tree & Veggie Patch Questions”
Thanks for that. If you would like to keep the bird whole instead of cutting through the backbone and opening the bird up fully simply cut a "V" between the legs in the vent area and scoop the innards out with your fingers. I will put that answer as a after note in the video as I probably should have mentioned it. Cheers
Useful series thanks.
Thanks – I appreciate you letting me know.
Thanks Jane – they are a wonderful food. Of course I've skinned them but you can go through the trouble of plucking them too. When this skin is removed they tend to be much leaner so wrapped in prosciutto or bacon is a nice way to cook them.
That's excellent Jane! I've never tried them in cider but guess what my next quail dish will be
Thanks to you.
Cheers, that's great
Thanks so much for posting this series! I just picked up my first quail today and I'm very excited to raise them. My grandparents used to cook them up all the time. Delicous.
Good on you! Grandparents are great – I owe a lot to mine (gone now) but they were a big influence on my self-sufficient interests. Good luck with your quail raising
Hi Mark, I don't understand why you throw away the back and neck part. With the leftovers (bones) and these back/neck parts you can make a lovely bone broth.
Very healthy and very rich in minerals and gelatine.
Your video's are very informative
Hi Noor, yeah you make a good point and I guess it is a little wasteful in retrospect. I suppose throwing them on ice and cooking them up later wouldn't be too hard to do… Thanks for the tip! Cheers
My son just suggested I get some quail, and after watching this series, I am really interested. Gotta get some birds first, and I don't know if I will be able to kill them, but it all sounds such a great idea to me. Thanks again, your sharing is much appreciated. .
I'm glad you found the video helpful. I will say that killing quail doesn't get easier the more you do it (I've written about this on my blog over at Self Sufficient Me the article is called – "I'm a quail murderer.") I do it because we love eating quail and I justify it by knowing my birds have had a good life and ensuring I do the despatching fast and painless – still isn't a very nice job. Much rather the cooking and eating part
what kind of quail or those? is a home-grown quail a breed?
Great series of videos! I'm considering getting quail and am currently doing my research on it now. Would you please recommend a good message board forum for raising quail for meat and eggs? Thanks for sharing.
Good stuff mate,just getting started with quail, I've been doing bantams all my life, didn't take long to realize, quail are the way to go, never ate the chickens just liked having them, but I will be eating the quail, thank you
Thank you, I have not yet dispatched my first quail but I'm getting closer.
Great vids, 2 the point with plenty good info.
Do u chill your freshly processed birds down with ice & water or do u just put them in the frig? I've heard the quicker the meat is chilled the less gamy the taste, what do u think?
Great little series on "how to do the deed." I'm still thinking about quail. I reckon I might knock over a few fish before I try a cute little bird. (Shaddup! I know I am a wuss – as much as anything, it's about convincing the wife.) We made the mistake of making our chickens pets. Won't do that with the quail.
You make is look very easy… I have been raising king pigeons… now I have enough to kill some…. You don't have to dip the dead bird in boiling water to make skinning them easier?
You make it look so easy, thanks
Looks much easier than gutting a chicken
Great video! You made it look easy. I had to dispatch one of my egg layers that had a broken knee. Surprising, I found it easy to perform all the steps myself too.
Don’t say breast
The start of this series made me queasy, but I ended up being hungry by the end. XD
Could you do a video on the economics of meat quail? Nothing to elaborate just real experience with feed cost per bird or per carcass weight. Thanks for all of the great videos!
Omg thank you easy straight forward to the point love it