March 26, 2025

VIDEO: How to humanely slaughter a quail with kitchen shears DIY

This video shows how to humanely slaughter or kill a quail at home for the dinner table. The method used is by kitchen shears also all the equipment required to do the slaughter is explained. Visit our blog for more

Please watch: “5 Fruit Tree & Veggie Patch Questions”

26 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to humanely slaughter a quail with kitchen shears DIY

  1. why are these SJWs people so triggered? How do you think the meat on your burgers get to you? and if you are a vegetarian, well plants are living organism just because they don't kick and scream doesn't mean they like getting chopped up and into stomach acid, bunch of snowflakes…

  2. As fast and humane as this looks, it's not allowed in some countries.
    The animal protection law here in Finland, for example, requires that all animals must be "knocked off" before butchering.
    I also find it more pleasant to butcher an unconscious bird rather than just cutting off the head.
    One has to be very fast after knocking them off though, because with these smaller birds the knock often also kills them.

  3. Thank you — really appreciate you sharing this, and how you handled filming it. I'm doing this for the first time later today, and it's really helpful to have good advice out there on how to do it as humanely as possible.

  4. Hi Mark! Normally I don't comment on videos but this series has helped me so much! Had to get rid of an over aggressive male bird and down the line I made the deal with myself that I'll only breed quail if I can slaughter them as well! Don't think I've got the perfect scissors yet but I got it done as fast as possible! Now to the next step…

  5. ive been watching your garden videos for a while and came across this video while searching how to do this. I was wondering if you have tips for someone who’s never killed an animal before?

  6. how exactly is that humane??? Chopping a head off isn't human. The brain is still alive as it falls into your bucket…. I'm sure there are much more humane ways that that.

  7. Thank you for this video. I'm a new quail farmer with only a breeding quintet and some eggs in the incubator. I know that coturnix live only 1-2 years 3 at most and I wanted to be ready once they are past their laying year to process them! Don't tell my mother she hates the idea of it. XD

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