*Look below for links to see where I made my purchases*
Another exciting lot of packages have arrived at the MIcrogarden doorsteps! What could it possibly be this time??? This episode is jam PACKED with plants, plus a plant from the furthest distance yet.
Got the miracle fruit from:
Got the rest of the plants from:
Where can I order a miracle fruit plant?
Luke, Nice update. What is the name of the company you got the banana plants from?
its a place called "7 heads" on ebay. but you can find them just my typing in "miracle fruit live plant". It was about $15 to get that plant so you definatly have to somewhat know what you are doing.
wellsprings. you can find them on ebay. its just called wellsprings.
Some interesting plants there. It will be interesting to see how they all turn out.
cant wait for the updates on the nanners…..i have mine under lighting an they do great
So excited for you Luke,nice new plants to play with! Thanks for sharing Paul
Thats awsome
awesome video dude! keep up the good work man!
Just saying but you might want to black-out your address before showing your un-boxings.
going organic on the fungus gnats?
When did you place your order?
be careful with the pitcher plants and venus fly traps because they need a dormancy and special soil. make sure you do your reasearch.
Wow! Can't wait to see all of them growing!
Cool new plants… What zone are you? Maybe the VFT hardy for you. I think it is good to zone 7 or 8
great and nice video that really pulling me to this channel even more frequently. Great, and thanks.
hey luke, got tips on the bananas? why did yours die? i got a red dwarf. dont want it to die
Really cool plants!!
Hope things go well for your carniverous plants I'm on my 3rd set. But I got mine from Lowe's. YOU do know that they need bugs and the fungus gnats are too small I think.
The Sarracenia 'Scarlet bell' and the venus Flytrap ARE NOT TROPICAL plants they are temperate North American carnivorous plants so they do require a dormancy period.
How long does the miracle fruit effect your taste buds?
for approximatly 1 hour
if you still have any fungus gnats, the carnivorous plants can have a snack. Plant revenge
Hy I just want to ask what website did yo get sprouted plants from because it is hard to grow stuff where I live
I would like 2 know if U would B willing 2 share where U got Ur plants. What web site. I think U & Ray from the Voodoo garden R awesome & smart as heck & I Luv getting tips & ideas from U guys. Thanx 4 all Ur knowledge
I ordered six fig sprouts from wellspring gardens on Ebay four looks good two lost all the leaves ' I hace contacted them several times and got the runaround. NOTICE I did not ask for replacement plants or a refund. So buyer beware .
Miro banana plant ? I heard people say doesn't grow can you send link where I can get them I see there little plants rather than just seeds plz
Where are you growing all theses plants in garden you have a massive space lol? My garden is big so I not sure inwonrried about insect etc