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who knew luke had an Asian eye
Your citrus trees look really healthy! P.S. did you get my message on youtube?
Yeah your eyes are shaped like a foot ball, i have same problam. Nice glasses by the way.
Keep trying different docs I wear one lens in my left eye for astigmatism for about 80 bucks a year. Like gardening keep trying different things like different drs and different lenses. When the weather warms and your glasses keep sliding down your nose you're going to hate that…trust me on that one!!! Good luck!
I am lucky right now. I only need reading glasses, but I do wear them when on the computer as well. Plus, I have the very beginnings of cataracts. Happy, happy. Joy, joy. You will get used to them
I was also told that I needed glasses for distance, I got them like 6 months ago but I'm still not used to them…maybe because I rarely wear them lol. But it's for the same reason that you said, I hate that I need something more than my own eyes to see better.
I know people will tell you that eyebright is not good for you in the amount I will tell you to take. Take four with each meal that means 12 or more a day. If you take 2 capsicum with them they will work faster. You will need to do this for a number of years. Make sure it says euphrasia as the ingredients and not ginko biloba. There is also an extract called luten that is very expensive as far as I am concerned but it is supposed to help eyebright. It worked for me and others I Know.
You could root the clippings if you haven't already thrown them away and give the new plants to a friend.
You will be happy with it again in about 6 months
could have you used them as a cuttings?
Thanks for watching my videos! Keep on getting subscribers. Also check out my newest video
You look great with glasses!
WOW!! I think it looks soo much better trimmed back. It was ment to be
Can't wait to see the new growth!
Have you ever heard of penhole glasses? Supposedly in some cases you can train your eye, some think that your vision can actually get worse with regular glasses because it does all the focusing for you your eyes, dont exercise and they end up deteriorating. I dont know if its true but its something I read. Optometrists do make more money off renewing subscriptions, it might be worth looking into. Just remember I'm no doctor.
Hopefully your astigmatism isn't as bad as mine, I can't get Lasik because of it. I don't mind wearing glasses, just sucks if you ride a motorcycle or want to go skiing or something.
I think your glasses are okay.
You look quite handsome in your glasses!
Ray…. I would punch you if I had arms long enugh.
thanks for the laughs.
lime trees are impossible to root. tried it and epicly failed.
I like the glasses, Luke. It makes you look so scholarly. Astigmatism means that the front surface of your eyes are not round like a bowling ball, but more football or egg-shaped. I should know, I'm an optometrist.
Wearing glasses does not worsen your vision. That is a myth! I'm an optometrist.
your glass look good on you. I think you look more like a lawyer now if you trimmed up the hair around your ears you.
exactly what he said!
thanks? I guess?
Good stuff! Subbed
Question, I have a dwarf lemon tree that looks just like your lime… Any clue how long it takes for dwarf lemons to go from green to yellow? Mine have been green and about inch big since July without goin yellow. I wonder if it had the wrong tag on it
Love the glasses.. I can't wait to see how the lime tree handles the pruning. Please update us in a couple weeks.
Thanks for telling me, I have read all kinds of things I dont always know whats what. I just tend to question everything, modern medicine is great but it seems like sometimes the system is more about money than fixing problems.
I know, I should have gone with pruning shears but I didn't think at the time, and I also would have to run all the way out to the garage, and I am lazy