Getting to know your plants not only helps you with knowing which plants you have in your collection, but it also leads to helping identify nutrient deficiencies, as well as other needs such as watering amounts and when it needs water.
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Awesome video! I really enjoyed it!
Good advice there Luke. I have so many people tell me they have had a plant die on them and when you ask them how they looked after the plant it quickly becomes apparent that they have watered it too much.
how about pepper plants?
Great video! And very good info!
-The Organic Boy
O yeah water levels are crucial…u cant over water a banana the love it…are you putting them out side?
they never like the soil to remain wet.
Google IS pretty awesome, I don't think there's anything that can't be found there lol
Enjoyed it Bro Thank you!
Pistachios are grown commercially in California. Pioneer Gold(developed in California) is the most prolific commercial pistachio tree in the world.
if you ever have anymore trouble with fungus gnats, you could get a Mexican Butterwort. they have sticky oily leaves that are deadly to small insects. they are a fun tropical carnivorous plant that even gets a nice flower
thank you !
hello guys im new to the whole gardening hope this year goes great and hope i get some subscribers and views. sorry for spaming lol. love your videos. would appriciate some advice on my garden after you watch my video. thanks.
rofl at soil comment