I thought I owed a small explaination of my absence on the MIcrogarden, and I understand for peples frustration so I decided to film here in my appartment, and hopefully you guys will check out my MIgardener channel if you havent already at
I Love both your channels.
thanks!!! 🙂
and I wanted to extend my MIcrohand, and thank you with a MIcro hi-five, and then slip you a MIcrodollar for being simply awesome.
I'm glad u made this video idk u had another channel till I seen this thank you
dont stop big big love joe you bu the man
I do enjoy both your channels and always look forward to updates, how to and tips on both channels. Don’t worry about not updating this channel frequently; it will make the occasional update more worth while. (I just hope the cashew is doing well.)
You have to live your life without feeling like you need to defend how you spend your time. Youtube viewers don't own you!
No problem and no explanationis neccessary. Its your channel ! Love both channels.
hi, love both your channels. 🙂
Never feel pressure to put out a new video at a certain time. If the next one is in 3 days or 3 weeks it doesn't matter as I and most others will enjoy them just the same. Any way, I would rather have a video every other week that has a lot of useful content then a user who post videos every other day that suck, so just keep on doing it at the pace you feel good with and is convenient to you and no need to say sorry about lack of updates. 🙂
Don't even worry about it … Don't worry Be happy now..
I enjoy both channels and I understand when you can't put a video. keep doing the great job that your doing and have a gardening blessed day
Don't worry about that haters, its the internet and some people have nothing better to do than bitch.
AAh-Hmm! That should be MACRO-Appreciation
I am so sorry that people were giving you trouble over this. People can be so goofy sometimes. Thanks for both channels. Go do your thing, we'll still be here when you return.
You've got a ton of videos for me to catch up on, but keep it up anyway man.
whats up, you have not made a video in two years o-o