a brief overview of all the plants! some doing great, others doing ok, some not doing so hot. hopefully we can get ahold of the ones that arn’t and get them bumping again! more to com on the MIcrogarden channel!
VIDEO: Overview of The Plants After Being Moved
a brief overview of all the plants! some doing great, others doing ok, some not doing so hot. hopefully we can get ahold of the ones that arn’t and get them bumping again! more to com on the MIcrogarden channel!
FIRST! Boy, I am so glad I did that. I feel special
Liked before even watch the video
Here's my best guess on why the orange is dropping leaves. Some trees and plants in general will drop leaves when changing from a weaker light source like CFL's to a stronger source such as the sun. The reason for this is it's stressing out and loosing hair because of it. See what I did there LOL .
can you repeat the name of the tiny coconut?
you might try putting a banana slice or a blueberry in the center of the pineapple(where the leaves come out). It will encourage the plant to fruit. Something about ethylene gas or some such
i believe goji berries are more of a vine instead of a bush…
Luke make sure the ties on the orange tree isnt digging in a tourniquet trunk will kill a young tree so fast. it looks way too healthy to be dropping leaves like that.
Everything looks phenomenal! Do you have grow lights in the area that you showed? Thanks!
What editting software do you use
Thanks I'm a big fan. By the way, have you checked out my newest video?
Anyone else can see if you want, but If you do, please comment and subscribe
Some of those plants are so shiny!
Maybe the orange wants to flower and dropping leaves therefore.
are you using a liqiud fertilizer on your orange? my orange does not like liquid fertilizer everytime i would give it fertilizer it would drop a lot of leaves! then i switch to a pellet fertilizer an it works great an loving it…
how many cashews do you have
Love your garden. Thanks for sharing!
If I recall correctly, you are (or were) growing Emblic or Amla plant, which is a tropical/subtropical fruit tree native to India. How's it doing? I'm growing Tamarind plants, which have similar foliage. You are growing some very interesting and exotic plants; were they all grown from seed?
I don't know why your orange is dropping it's leaves (Ive never grown one), but you have full sun, so maybe it doesn't need them?
How's the Buddha's Hand doing?
I know you said you're going to be focusing on your outdoor garden for a while, but I'm anxious to see an update! Even a quick one! Do you think you'll have time for that soon?
Is that a mimosa plant to the left of the pitcher plant
just be patient! more is very soon to come!
nope, no memosa here.
Have you tried placing your Orange tree, which is loosing the leaves outside in direct sun? Let me know if that works, because my first mango is having the same problem. It grows a very long leaf and looses the rest. Then new ones grow, and then it looses them again. I am thinking it may be the direct sunlight because where it is it does get light, but it is not under direct sun. Let me know if it works for you. Once it starts getting hot enough I will do that with this mango.
As you say maybe it is the direct sun. Back in Mexico I have a mandarin tree which gets sun half of the day, and every season it gives so many mandarins that we have to give them away, they are just so many. Though I´ve also used ferret manure there, lol. Sounds weird but though we always joke about it, it is true. It is the east coast though. Summers really hot, winters are close to the 32 degree Fahrenheit. So try the direct sun but not all day long, just half… good luck
I love the lemon plants I am planting them also when I have to overplant them? And in the winter where I have to overwinter them?