March 22, 2025

VIDEO: Cold Composting method

What better way to improve your soil than the way that nature would do it. Cold Composting is a composting method for those who don’t wish to physically use much energy, unlike the hot composting method procedure which is necessary to turn the compost every few days, just place your materials into the compost bin and forget about it.

4 thoughts on “VIDEO: Cold Composting method

  1. Ah, if you're referring to those cabbages which I have yet to harvest, when harvesting simply remove unwanted damaged leaves and throw into the compost bin, Not all of the cabbage. Thanks for commenting.

  2. Nice graphics!
    My problem is common among busy gardeners and that is not having enough compost. I put my bagged leaves from the neighborhood in a huge container and weed-whack them to help speed up decomposition.Our season is just starting here in north FL and it looks like I'll be buying compost – darn! This season I plan to increase my container garden to fifty 7gal pots – enough to fill my hot tub! I have a pepper sauce hobby that I may have to curb.

  3. I've looked at yours and other composting methods on youtube. There are some good ideas out there so what will evolve for me is a hybrid technique. I have bags of oak leaves which are tough to break down. To each bag will go a shovel of aged compost and rainwater or compost tea. I suppose more aged compost added will speed it up further but this method might work and it's cheap and easy. We'll see just how fast.

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