September 28, 2024

25 thoughts on “VIDEO: First Garden update, permaculture, Hugelkultur

  1. Aloha James! I love your videos, you are soooo inspiring! I' spent most of my life in NJ, but migrated to Hawaii about 13 years ago. I love your work, you've taught me so much about soil building (plus watching you reminds me of home, my mom still lives in OC, NJ). We just cleared a new area of our property and so I wanted to go back and see where you started to get some ideas. Your gardens are so amazing and seeing your humble beginnings helps us all know what's possible with time and effort. Enjoy the JerseyFresh corn and tomatoes, and thank you so much for all you do.

  2. This is amazing! I have been watching all the videos from the start. All the time I have this question; Didn't you ever water the plants ? or did you water at first but newer again ? what is concept here ? I'm sure someone asked this before but I did not see the answer.

  3. 2013. I was a flaming Liberal gay marriage advocate who hated Republicans. 2014. I became a Republican. 2015 Got married to an Irishman. 2019 bought our house and without ever seeing any videos, called "chipdrop" and had my first load of mulch. All I knew was, I hate mowing grass and grass makes NO SENSE. 2021. The 1/2 acre is now completely covered in 18" of mulch and weekly collected biomass others rake and bag for me on "yard waste day". Twenty fruit trees and a fledgling botanical garden. I was blessed to find you, James Prigioni, on Youtube and have since watched every one of your videos. "Liked" them all and as soon as the market correction is complete, I'm buying some of your merchandise. People change. Yards change. Some things will never change. You've made my life better James. THANK YOU! Your work is something I think about a lot. When you love something with all your heart, you can't help but become evangelical about it. Gardening is that way for me now, thanks to you and Will Grant.

  4. Wow! It's amazing to look back at what your food forest started as! Thank you for all the years of inspiration! I'm finally starting my food forest this year, and I am so excited!
    Thank you for sharing your story, your passion, and your growth.

  5. May 16, 2021
    It's amazing how far you have come! I'm just beginning, so I'm starting at your beginning, so I can learn as I go. Thank you for being so faithful to share your journey.

  6. James I have seen almost every single one of your videos. You really are a treasure dude. Never stop making videos ever bro. Motivation 100%

    I’m gonna buy a property soon and do this

  7. after watching a bunch of your current videos, this look at the beginning is awesome. you should just overlay a snapshot of "what once was" more often when touring your food forest.

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