March 21, 2025

VIDEO: Bed Prep and Green Manure

Trying a new video maker. Sorry about the watermark. Wanted to show how well the Phacelia worked as a green manure cover crop. The roots broke up the soil very well. As Phacelia isn´t a nitrogen fixer I cut it down at the beginning of winter to allow it to compost on top of the soil rather than continue to grow and suck nitrogen out of the soil.

7 pages to this article. click number links on bottom right corner of article.

Wikipedia article on green manure

Website in the UK. This link takes you to their page with a table of different types of green manure, their benefits and sowing schedules. The info on the plants is good no matter what region your in. Even if you can´t order from them the table has great info.

5 thoughts on “VIDEO: Bed Prep and Green Manure

  1. Yeah. It was pretty bad. To top it off, I broke some ribs a couple of weeks ago and it was hard enough to breathe before I got that virus because of the pain Then when the virus hit, I kept coughing and sneezing and ouch! IThought it was going to kill me. lol. But, I made it.

  2. Green Manure ya say, never heard about and i will definitely research it more and see if its available in my area,….is this native, the Phycalia, to temperate regions or can it also be found in sub-tropical areas? Glad to see you're feeling better, it really is the pits when one gets sick and bed-ridden,…thumbs up good buddy and thankin' ya for the COOL Share!! =)

  3. I know, that's terrible. You better take it easy and let your body heal and get rid of that cold. Sounds more like bronchitis. My colds always turn into bronchitis and it takes forever to go away. Take care, my friend.

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