March 21, 2025

VIDEO: How to Grow Super Hot Pepper Seeds EZ!

It’s quite simple to plant the seeds, all you need is a tray and organic sifted compost. Then keep the compost just moist at all times and for best results place on a grow mat/ heat mat or propagator. Underneath heat helps give them a great boost for growing in cooler conditions. Please Like and Subscribe!

If I reach 2000 subscribers by the April the 10th there will be a £30 prize ($45) for one lucky person who will comment on my thank you video in the first 24hours of putting it up (if I reach 2000 subscribers that is) It will be chosen by a random number generator. Please Pleaseshare this link: to your Facebook pages and statuses to see if it can happen. Hurry, and spread the word. Thanks

20 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Grow Super Hot Pepper Seeds EZ!

  1. I've started my hot peppers in Jan and they look beautiful! Can you believe they are the only plants the fungus gnats havent gone after? Probably because they're in 4" pots now and I let them get pretty dry before I water them again. Next watering will have fertilizer!!! The rest of the seeds are trying so hard to germinate, I'm going to get new soil and see if that helps. I'm excited to see how your peppers grow!

  2. Hi Huw,
    I used to find peppers take about a month to germinate at around 16-17 degrees celsius, at my old house in the conservatory, but it never occurred to me to use propagators! lol! They always sat near a chilly window without a heat source beneath (I think that this keeps my seed saved and selected of hardy strain) and around two thirds always germinated after about a month. Thanks for the tips, hopefully I'll be even more successful now!

    Regards, Dom

  3. Hi huw. Happy Easter nice to see that the snow cleared up. A few flurries of snow in Ireland. I am going to plant my peppers next month. I am posting that link on my website cillianmoran com

  4. I've not ever tried it, but since we can grow tomatoes from cuttings, might it not be possible to grow chilli peppers from cuttings, too? Especially since they are also of the same Solanaceae family? If it were possible, it means one could keep cloning a favourite chilli pepper plant indefinitely. Hmm, I recall they graft tree tomatoes (tamarillos) onto tobacco rootstocks, nowadays. And, also, they do that with some ordinary tomatoes. Nice video you made, anyway!

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