March 16, 2025

VIDEO: Using Coffee to Get a Perfect PH for Blueberries

In this brief how-to on how to get a great PH for your Blueberry plants, and other acid-loving fruits and veggies. Enjoy! More to come!

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29 thoughts on “VIDEO: Using Coffee to Get a Perfect PH for Blueberries

  1. Awesome! Now i don't have to drink that stale coffee. My blueberries will. Thanks for the showing the difference between your uncafinated vs coffee watered one after 2 weeks. Wow what a diff! I just bought 3 bushes and was wondering when it's safe to plant them out? They have little green leaves so would those freeze now? Should i wait till it's warmer out?

  2. My plants look the same,I bought six of them that way.
    Igot the plants for$1ea.from bid store on clearance rack.
    I figure listening to you I could revive the plants.
    If successful my reward will be knowledge I gained from you, and a bowl of berries in the future..
    Question: how often do I use this coffee mixture on the plants?…Very helpful video thank you!

  3. Sphagnum peat moss/pine bark mulch and rainwater are about all you need for healthy blueberries. Wood chips, tap water, coffee grounds, all these other crazy recipes, just arent the way to go. I only have 40 blueberry bushes, but that's all I do and they are amazing. Keep it natural, Keep it simple.

  4. City water is ALWAYS neutral to alkaline to prevent lead leaching from household or city plunbing. Therefore, unless your soil is very acidic, or you make that coffee with rainwater, you are not lowering your pH significantly. However, coffee adds nitrogen, copper and more, plus organic matter. Sprinkling coffee grounds arround youe blueberries is good for many reasond. Iron sulfate is best for liwering pH.

  5. I grow my blueberries in 7.0 neutral soil and they thrive.
    If blueberries require acidic soil why are mine thriving and giving me more than I can take in?

  6. Thank you so much! It works. My blueberry plant was doing nothing and now it’s growing and the berries are turning blue and there are New once popping up every day.

  7. My blueberry plants look dead. It’s November 10 in south Texas and the super hot weather is over. We are about to start our cold/freezing season. Are they supposed to look dead right now??

  8. For everybody asking questions: you must use the coffee itself. One you make the coffee all the acidity leaves the grounds. Also don’t do this too often because even though the plants love the lowered ph the caffeine isn’t good for them in high doses

  9. I second the peat moss as soil . I grow my blueberries in 100% peatmoss with nothing else added except azalea fertilizer and a pine bark mulch on top . Water them regularly and they will thrive . Mine already have 5’ canes after only one growing season . Southern high bush variety.

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