March 26, 2025

VIDEO: Easy Seed Starting for Hydroponics

It’s SUPER easy to start seeds for hydroponics. This method is quick, easy, and requires little materials. Give your seeds a head start with an airstone and mini-DWC. Better yet – you can use the seeds in soil, deep water culture, or any other growing setup you can think of!


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28 thoughts on “VIDEO: Easy Seed Starting for Hydroponics

  1. Cool. But…what if you live somewhere where starter plugs are non-existent? Would tissue paper work? Make a mini "plug" with some tissue paper, wait for the seed to sprout then put the whole shebang in the net cup (also, unavailable. but, can DIY relatively easily). You think that will work? I mean, I have taken seedlings out of soil and moved them to a simply HP (DIY) in simple net cup (DIY), but that is messy and many steps. No muss, no fuss. That is what I am after.

  2. I'm just starting to try hydroponics. There are no hydroponic shops in the area, so I ordered from an online shop. I got a basic kit with rock wool cubes, net pots, clay balls and nutrient solution. Right off the bat, I have a problem: the rock wool is waterproof. Every video I've watched shows the cubes soaking up water like a sponge, but these float on top, even after leaving them in water over night. I called the supplier and they said I should spray them with water every 3 hours! Is this fake rockwool, or some other type made to be used in some other way? The supplier claims to supply both home and large-scale hydroponics and aquaponics users, so I assumed they know what they are talking about.

  3. hi kevin!can we grow spinach and lettuce non-stop through out the year or does temperature and season determines when can we grow?i have seen lettuce in the market througout the year but when i tried to grow it i couldn't do it.i had grown some lettuce last year in the winter but all of them started flowering even though they were not fully matured.most of them were litlle babies.why did it happen?what determines the flowering of lettuce and spinach?is it temperature or season or does lettuces take a certain time to mature before they flower,how it goes?please let me know.

  4. Once I get my plants started in those pods, how do you transfer the plant into a clay media? Do you transfer the entire pod or do you somehow get the plant out of that pod so that just the plant is being put into the clay media? Thanks for the info!

  5. I have a question. I’m looking to start hydroponic gardening. To be cost efficient, to start, I’m looking into smaller air pumps if I choose to use 5 gallon buckets/containers. To cut cost do you think purchasing an Imagitarium Bubbling Airstone, 6" would help with oxygenating and circulating only? I’m about one week out from transplanting my seedlings. Thanks in advance.

  6. This is an old video so understand if you dont reply but I'vejust set up my own hydro system in my home (UK – so quite cold and dark). I have a grow tent and a MarsHydro TS100. I bought a big tub and mimicked the setup you have (but without the water pump as im using kratky method). I am 5 days in and about 50% of my seeds are sprouting. One thing I am concerned about is that I did not put the seed deep enough into the cavity. How important is this and if seeds are heavily exposed to the light (i.e., placed on top of a medium instead of in a cavity) how much of an issue can this cause?


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