March 22, 2025

26 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to make a Nutritious Tea from Nettles

  1. I've never tried that, Huw…I'm gonna give it a shot!

    You reminded me of the time I had a few too many to drink…walking home in the early hours, I stopped to…erm…let some beer out round the back of the village hall and fell into a huge patch of nettles… Certainly taught me a lesson!

  2. Awesome man. I've never had nettle tea fresh like that, I've always dried a bunch of leaves so I have a bag to last me a while. I'll try this tomorrow, stinging nettle season is up and running right now in the Pacific Northwest!

  3. People have always thought I`m mad for actually growing nettles in my garden as plants that are welcome and not as weeds. I love nettle tea, as you said the nettles are so packed with nutrients. They are a very underused and underestimated plants and should not be seen as annoying weeds. ~ Mark

  4. I was weeding my flower bed. I started pulling out what I thought was just a regular weed. my hands started stinging! Later watching several videos finding its nettles. 🙂

  5. I was 6 years old and at the zoo. I got stung by some nettle and was crying. I was close to the lion enclosure and I was crying so loud the big cats started roaring.

  6. Hey thanks for the info. Spot on , I've been drinking nettle tea (store bought) for about 6 years and have it with half a spoon of manuka. I used to put a dash of apple cider vinager in it too but I stopped that. I really enjoyed the taste, I just opted to not have it after a few years of drinking it every day. Might buy some more having thought about it! It does compliment the flavour imo

  7. how much of the year can they be harvested (in the uk) for making tea? (and also to eat them as a soup?)
    they sprout in spring and die back in autumn…for how much of this period can they be harvested?

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