February 24, 2025

VIDEO: Exciting New Channel Announcements

In this video I will be announcing new features that will be coming soon to HuwsNursery, upload Schedule, Foody Friday, Garden Series, Channels and more. Please watch to understand what will be happening and thankyou for half a million views! A timetable has been done below to part of the videos and what they are about.
Check out Real Vince Samios: https://www.youtube.com/user/RealVinceSamios
And Garden Frugal: https://www.youtube.com/user/GardenFrugal for great videos!
0:32 Recommended Channels
1:49 Why these adverts? And thanks for 500,000 views!
2:30 What I will be investing in
3:08 New schedule
3:37 Foody Friday
4:30 Future Video Ideas
4:56 Future Website
Sorry for saying umms and uhhhs so many times!

19 thoughts on “VIDEO: Exciting New Channel Announcements

  1. Congrats on 500,000 views, well deserved.. Actually, the umms and uhhhs make it more real as opposed to scripted and clinical. Keep up the good work.

  2. You have put a lot of your time and effort into giving us great info in these videos. Please do not let anyone make you feel negative for monetizing your account. You DESERVE to be compensated. I doubt they would do anything like what you do and certainly not for free.

  3. Thank you for all you do to help us. And don't worry about the ads. Everyone has them, but you get the views to be able to cash in on them. You deserve it. I can't wait to watch all the new videos. Thanks for sharing, and take care.

  4. I know this video is a few years old but you should never feel bad about getting money for services like this. Those of us who are looking for better, more efficient ways of growing our veg and fruit can endure a short ad for the knowledge we hope to gain. Thank you for your service!

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