March 18, 2025

11 thoughts on “VIDEO: Lemongrass Growing Transplanting Demo And Uses

  1. I have to thank you for this video! After watching this last year. I planted lemongrass as border between my yard and my neighbor's yard. It is growing beautifully.

  2. Very good advice! I've done the same but for different reasons. They help keep pests and animals away. I was having problems with cats but now my yard smell wonderful. I also use them as bedding for the chickens.

  3. Nice info, thanks. My only complaint is the music was louder than you were talking so I had to really concentrate to understand what you were saying.

  4. Love growing & using lemongrass. It does well where I live during the warm months but does not overwinter. I sure wish it would as I'd love to have fenceline hedges like yours!

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