Well it is that time of year again, time to harvest my garlic. and this year was the first year actually attempting garlic. I did a how to plant it last year, and everything seamed to work out great! Lets see if it actually turns out great together!
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you can gradually develop garlic for your own area by saving the biggest bulbs and planting cloves from them this Fall. I've done it for years now.
I planted in late Sept. last year and mine are not quite ready to pick as of July 2, But they are close.
I've heard plenty of people using store bought garlic to grow in their gardens. Only thing is that supposedly for where you are as well as for most people on the east coast, hard neck garlic is supposed to grow better than soft neck which is what you usually find at the store. But, you grew it just fine. Probably needed another couple weeks but you needed the space.
What happens to garlic if you leave it in the ground instead of picking it?
Good result! My garlics still aren't ready…I planted them in October. They seem to be doing ok, I've had a careful feel about and they're bulbing up, just not splitting yet. I've picked the scrapes from the elephant garlic a couple of weeks ago…hopefully, I won't have much longer to wait! Keep up the good work
the green stems are healthy…& good to eat or cook with..thanks..!
That looks like a good result to me. I don't mind if the bulbs aren't huge because I usually squeeze them through a garlic press so it just means throwing in a few more cloves to make the amount of garlic I need. I hold onto the biggest cloves and replant those. Best Wishes, Brendan.
Braiding the garlic may be a cool way to dry and store them! Looks awesome too! Well done.
Great garlic…and like the haircut.
Nice garlic harvest! I'm about to harvest mine and see how it's turned out.
Your garlic did not have the amount time in cold weather 40 and below to turn into the split bulb. I believe you need 40 days of below 40 degrees Fahrenheit for it to work. In the south we have to plant it in the fall for a spring harvest.
It looks like you may have picked them too early, which accounts for their snack-size. I wait until mine are 65% brown (for a hardneck) then you yoink them up. Softnecks are easy, the tops just flop over like they had too much to drink. Man do I love garlic. <3 Aliums ftw!
LOVE Marco Island!
I just planted 4 heads of garlic bought from the store. I hope that this time they grow. I think that I was putting to much water.
Thanks. I will leave them if there leaves drops off. Have a nice weekend
Your enthusiasm is so charming
I'm really looking forward to pulling my garlic this spring/summer. I planted them earlier this autumn and they never died back even with hard frosts. I have no clue what to expect.
looks great
you look like 12 here.
i am finally going to try. might as well try. we eat garlic like twice a day. what's to lose. my tomatoes are nearly done. the boxes are going to be empty soon. i can get them growing by soaking a few days in free rain water. so, heah. thanks for sharing.
Cut off the roots and before the green dries out braid it so it can be hung nice in the garden shed or kitchen make sure you braid a loop in the end
Hey anything from an organic garden is perfect in my opinion. I think the $2 investment was well worth it.
What is a drying rack? Why do you have to use it for the garlic?
Shih Tzu Baby!
When the good time to plant Garlic? I think about to plan them this late spring on garden bed would be good idea? Any suggestion?
good lad! I have planted a few shop bought garlic and when a few started sprouting in the cupboard I thought hey stick em in the ground!
will find out next year when I repland a few heads once they split to cloves 
just waiting now ( about another month ) and they should be ready to pull!
as for the leaves its a win win as when its dried mulch it up and put it back in the ground!
heard te trick is, save a few heads and then when they are dry, use them to plant the next year, seems garlic needs to acclimatise, so shop bought is often Chinese garlic, so the second year round makes a better growth
If you cut the hardneck back on hardneck garlic it makes the bulb grow bigger.
The bigger the clove you plant the bigger the bulb you get.
Fun little garlic tips.
I lovvvveeee garlic.
I find grocery store garlic works too. :-))
I think perhaps if you left that longer it would get bigger, nice crop though. Thanks for another great video.
Love the Marco Island shirt