March 18, 2025

3 thoughts on “VIDEO: lessons learned 2013 garden part 1

  1. Two questions about your internet access. Is your router password protected and many internet providers will throttle your access if you try downloading torrents or pirate movies and other digital information in any way. Don't know if this information helps, but I have friends that have been through these issues.

  2. The weather!! Yep, same up here on the central plateau, last week(FINALLY!)it was cool and cloudy and rainy most of the week but beginning this new week, partly cloudy but is it sooooooooo hot,….i can imagine your problem with the squash plants would be something similar over here too, btw, pirate movies on the internet, are they those movies that people upload when the correct thing should be to purchase the real thing, digitally or in a licensed dvd shop, if so, i'm guilty of watchin' some.

  3. The weather is what it is and I frequently reflect on the fact that people used to do everything up to and including human sacrifice trying to get controlled. My thing is don't be afraid to say, "Damn that didn't work", and throw something else in the ground. In one bed I got an early cut of broccoli, then switched to beans. In another I went from green onions to squash. If something is obviously not working, will switch it up and plant late.

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