December 22, 2024

VIDEO: Top Tips if your Garden is in a Drought
We are having a drought and much of the grass has died so I thought I would make a video on how to protect and look after your vegetable patch with tips on what to do. Please like it helps a bunch! Subscribe to my Newsletter here:

10 thoughts on “VIDEO: Top Tips if your Garden is in a Drought

  1. Great tips Huw. We have some pretty bad droughts here in Australia which can last for years and I think the best tips you gave are mulching, drip or subsoil irrigation and plant selection. Shade can also help but the other three will make the difference and are sometimes a bit easier to organise than shade.
    Thanks for the video Huw.

  2. PART 1

    I usually see your videos and quite like. This video is also interesting.
    You say you had temperatures up to 30º Celsius. For Portugal was also that temperature …in the evening. During the day we had temperatures above 40. º C on the coast line and almost 48º inside country.

    In fact, from June to September is normal to have temperatures above 30. º C (August usually be around 40. C). And our agriculture has to endure that (most often no irrigation).

  3. PART II

    The advice that this is important but missed the page. It should support the drought by choosing traditional country varieties, it is, where they grow. Why? Because these plants (and trees) are adapted to drought conditions we have in Portugal for 4 months (or even more – in Lisbon, which is coast line, in 2012 had 27 days of rain all year) as well as the varieties Wales or Scotland should be accustomed to the humid climate.


    So this is the best advice. Cultivate regional varieties of plants.

    Keep up the good work. Liked to see a video about the new law of registered seed and plants that the European Union prepares to approve. Perhaps the UK of the hook if you do the referendum that Cameron promised on staying in the Union.

    Sorry for my english, greetings from Portugal.

  5. Well great tips !! For me my plants struggles in summer for the heat that gets to 54C so I water them 2 times every day like I water the first bed and move for the another one then I water that bed again and they look good so far I mist them with the hose in the night keep in mind I water them at 8pm 🙂 mulching with wood chips is great!!! 😀

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