These results I got were crazy, in a week all cuttings had rooted and I’m very pleased. I think it is such a fun thing to do and creates the perfect growing environment!
VIDEO: BEST Method to Propagate Plants – Growing Plants from Cuttings These results I got were crazy, in a week all cuttings had rooted and I’m very pleased. I think it is such a fun thing to do and creates the perfect growing environment!
Nice roots! That is impressive.
How much water is in the bottom?
did you use rooting hormone..?
how do you root hardwood cuttings..?
I didn't know that there were full length adverts, I will look into it! Thanks
100% rooting that's great
keep up the good work, these are the mints right?
there is no show more section did yt take that away ?
forget my last post it's under the about before share section wow I missed a change I think. thanks for sharing
Yep they are, thanks
Don't worry thanks for watching buddy!
of course, it is easy because they are flowers which grow very fast like weed. to prove the device is really 100% efficient for propagation, you need test it by propagating hardwood cutting. also, please show the steps and materials used. usually rooting mix like peat moss polite, sand, etc materials are used. but here rocks are used. again flowers may propagate well in the small, wet rocks, it is not know whether hardwood cutting also propagate in it.
i get the fresh mint, i put inside the water, it gave a lot roots. when i transfer the soil. they died.
i don't know why.maybe it is bad soil
If you put a mint cutting in a glass of water it will sprout roots. Its probably the easiest thing to grow.
Can I please the address to order one
Miami, Florida
You don't need Aero pot to make a root for MINT PLANT, stick it in the dirt it will root very quickly as long as you keep the soil moist
why you are only using plants that are easy to root??…please try to use hard to root plants like azalea, bougainvillea, hibiscus and other semi or hardwood cuttings..maybe you can convinced me to use aero-pot..
Where's the cutting?
Love it. Thank you x x x
I like the look of that aero-pot, cheers Huw!
just water?
Hi, do you still recommend this or you have better suggestion?
Also will Aero-pot work for blueberries cuttings?
that aeropot just looks like a pickle bucket with a horse drinking bucket heater core in it. thanks for the video.
This video sold me on aquaponics. I've seen a lot of videos and considered it, but when you said u got the roots within a week…. SOLD. Lollz. Thanks for the enthused video.
Rooting under a week is pretty impressive. Maybe it’s the humidity dome?
Different plants , different growth rates . Certain plants not only grow faster but also without much effort , whereas it is very difficult to grow others .Many plants and cuttings take weeks to propagate even with the addition of rooting hormone and the success rate varies .