March 25, 2025

VIDEO: Growing Tomato Cuttings in Hydroponics (Step by Step) You can never have enough tomatoes, at least that is what I think. You can make your own homemade sauce, freeze it and eat it on bread or pasta in the cold winter months. In this video you will learn how to propagate them from cuttings using the aero-pot. The aero-pot is an Aeroponics system similar to that of Hydroponics but creates a fine mist from water and creates the perfect growing environment. It is such a fun and reliable thing to use and you can buy your own here:
And here is a full tutorial by my friend on how to use it and a top notch review:
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27 thoughts on “VIDEO: Growing Tomato Cuttings in Hydroponics (Step by Step)

  1. I have always felt bad about throwing about beautiful tomato sucker plants. Now I feel so much better now that I know I can use some of them to re-grow! Can I grow these hydroponically indoors?

  2. I just stick my cutting into moist healthy soil, they drink water fine without roots, but still end up rooting after a few days, chillies take longer, or its just to cold for eratic growth here in the uk this year round

  3. I've heard that in warmer countries, these are really only good in the winter. In the summer, at temperatures over 80 degrees f, keeping a body of water like that around can quickly breed bacteria, and rot becomes a serious problem.

    This issue is made worse by the heat these units create.
    I've still ordered one though 😛 Looks awesome

  4. Thant's great, but you should also get a floating plastic holder for the mist maker , because you can add more water in the bucket and only refill every week –  also I like to think that using a simple mechanical programmable outlet – so you can turn on/off the mist maker every half an hour would help improve its lifecycle.

  5. Thanx for an informative video. I never knew tomatoes could be initiated through suckers! Pl let me know that upto what height the fog created by the ultrasonic fogger reaches? Ivwant to try this kind of fogger for potato aeroponics where the container has to be atleast one meter deep as the potato roots grow very tall in aeroponics. Will the fog be able to reach the top?

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