March 26, 2025

VIDEO: Toro Zero Turn Timecutter Fabricated Deck Review

This is my review on the Toro Zero Turn Timecutter with Fabricated Deck. We can talk more in depth about this on our forum

Please watch: “5 Fruit Tree & Veggie Patch Questions”

29 thoughts on “VIDEO: Toro Zero Turn Timecutter Fabricated Deck Review

  1. nice honest video  I have had a Toro 38 in Ride on 6 years  and am now on 5 acres with 1/4 acre manicured house block and want to upgrade to something that can do both. Also can you tow a small sand grader with this

  2. Your stamped deck lasted 6 yers.  You just convinced me that a stamped deck is the way to go and another Youtuber mentioned the benifit of the weight saving for godd preformance

  3. Hi i am Just looking at buying a toro Zero turn MX 4250 and just wondering if i should get the recycling kit installed, just wondering your thoughts on the recycling kit, does it bog down much in long grass?

  4. G'day Mate, Just found your site. Great review.
    I'll be in the market for a Toro SS3225 only because of access.
    It is a residential block so the pressed deck will do me fine.
    Choice of engines though has me worried, there doesn't seem to be any, just the "Toro" brand.
    Wondering if it is a Briggs?
    I am asking about the grass clippings left behind after mulching, are they fine enough not to be a bother?

  5. Thanks Mate,
    I figured that.
    I asked the question, but with the SS3225, there is no choice. I took the plunge and bought it. The salesman told me they have had only one come back only because the owner let the oil run low. So I took the gamble. I got the mulching kit. The catcher was $990. When I got back up of the floor, I said not this time around.
    I get it on Friday, with a walk through with the delivery.
    Thank you for taking the time to reply.
    I'll let you know how I go.

  6. G'day Mate.
    Got the ride on delivered today.
    What a machine.
    Very touchy controls, maybe because it's new, I don't know. Don't know if it is my imagination or not, but it seems to track to the right a touch while I have the controls pushed straight ahead, I have to pull back on the left control arm a touch to straighten it up. Maybe I just need to get use to it.The ground is level, but slopey. It has three speed control settings. Trim: Tow: Mow. I'm using the Trim at the moment, my first time on these types, even that is too fast. Where it took me 1 hour to mow the back it took me 20 minutes. but I just kept going round and round just to get use to it. It is scary when you first start.

  7. These are great mowers. I've used one with a stamped deck and grass catcher for years no problems. Very Dependable. No, I don't sell them I just use the one I have at this point. Good Luck, FR

  8. Hi I am in the market for a new mower like yours.i have done some research
    I have talked to some dealers about toro and they tell me it's crap.
    I would love to here yours.

  9. I have a 42 inch Toro ZTR. I only have two complaints. First the deck is noisy,mounds like an airplane. Wear your ear protection. Second,myopic will get dirty from all the debris it picks up. Otherwise, it is fun to mow, and cuts my mowing time significantly.

  10. Mate if you were to use this mower everyday mowing quarter acer house blocks for business do you think the hydros and mower in general would last or be able to handle it for at least 1000hours if well maintained?

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