March 19, 2025

4 thoughts on “VIDEO: What is the name of this mushroom

  1. It's most likely a russula of some sort, that gets you to genus, good luck figuring out which species it is though.

    Here's one of the leading authorities on mushroom identification, I'll let him try and explain why. wwwDOTmushroomexpertDOTcom/russulaDOThtml

    I don't bother trying to ID russulas to species, but there are ways to guess edibility based on taste, how far the skin on the cap peels back, etc. Taste is an important identifying feature of russulas, whether it is mild, bitter, or hot.

  2. Some people will eat russulas if they taste mild without identifying to exact species, especially folks in Europe, it's probably fairly safe practice, but I can't recommend it, because I wouldn't do it myself.

  3. WOW, that is some SHROOM!!! Just think with shrooms as expensive as they are, the edible ones, your backyard is fast becoming your food forest, then again like MiWilderness says, i wouldn't recommend ya trying it, without first identifying the species, thumbs up Jay! =)

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