March 26, 2025

VIDEO: Simple Tip For Growing Bigger Pumpkins

Do you always have small pumpkins even though the package says “Grows HUGE 20-50lb. pumpkins” but you just can’t seem to get that size? or maybe you can get nice size pumpkins but they never ripen! This tip takes out most of that error, if you have trouble growing the pumpkin, that is for another video, because this video is for if you already have a pumpkin(s) growing. Hope you enjoy, and Good luck!
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26 thoughts on “VIDEO: Simple Tip For Growing Bigger Pumpkins

  1. Would you be able to do a complete growing guide for the sugar baby pumpkins? This is my first year growing them and I would like to care for them the best I can.

  2. This was very useful as I planted my pumpkin a bit late, I’ll use this method to get a few good fruit. Pumpkin leaves are also edible. They are eaten in many African cultures. When I told my mum I was planting a pumpkin, she was so happy and said “just save the leaves for me please”.

  3. what about removing all but 1 pumpkin. I've only grown pumpkins once before I got 1 to 90 lbs. I'm in a better spot now with lots of sun, hope to best that.

  4. Really didn’t know u can eat the leaves some of my leaf are dropping down should I be worried I water a lot and I do give fertilizer so I don’t think anything of it cause the rest of the plant looks good

  5. I just watched this for the first time. And avid gardener or fruit, vegetables, and flower it really keeps me hopping. I planted a pumpkin patch for the third time in 15 years and this years looks the best. However, I did not get to the single vine training prior to now and now there is a big canopy. The next few days are in the mid-90's and being in full sun is not my idea of gardening outside right now. Your thoughts are appreicated.

  6. Thank you sir this is my first year growing pumpkins I love to Garden I think it's a trait that can pass through my family and your information it's going to be extremely helpful thank you you made a difference in one pumpkin plants life and all that following thank you

  7. I planted mine in late fall and now it's winter and I'm mad. It's about a month and a half old and it's only got about 6-8 leaves. It's not that big and it's in the ground what do I do!!! I don't want it to Did

  8. I planted 2 pumpkin seeds in my raised 4×8 raised bed!!!
    I’m afraid only one plant may be enough …..and it’s gonna grow down snd out of the bed.
    What should I do… Pull up one of the plants and give the other one a better chance and then as they start to sprawl Do you wanna let it grow down and out of the bed? Reason I ask is I have a big Labrador that loves to eat veggies and she ate all of last year’s pumpkins

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