Welcome to day one on my new plot. I hope this video inspires new allotment owners not to give up when you see what I had to tackle with only a pair of shears and a garden fork. This really is a good starting point for first time gardeners. If I can do it so can you.
If you liked this video, please SUBSCRIBE to my channel as it’s absolutely free and really helps with it’s growth. Thank you so much.
Here is another great video of mine that you might like to watch : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbWbA9eWp5I&t=133s
#plottour #newallotment #gardeningforbeginners
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Great progress already and I'm jealous of your sheds – especially the verandas. My plot is just a year with me and the number of times I've stood under a tree to shelter from the sun and rain this year means I know you'll find it useful. Looking forward to your next update.
Hi Kay, thanks for the message. My previous plot had no sheds – or trees to shelter under. So I've gone from a famine to a feast of sheds with this plot. Will post another update very soon.
Cheers Tony… I've subbed you too and look forward to seeing your plot next year. Love your chickens
Hi Adam. Looks a great spot for a allotment. Good size plot too. I like the potting shed. As for clearing the plot. Little and often wins that race
Hi Adam. What a wonderful adventure you have in fornt of you and great start to things. I got my plot just a few months ago and gradually getting it into shape so I am full of admiration for your efforts. Well done and I hope you are proud of yourself. You should be! I subbed to you and looking forward to sharing the journey with you. All the best – Aaron
Hello fantastic allotment ive just started one with new cool hassle free ideas ive just subscribed to you check mine out it might help you thanks
Hi Adam, great video. Congratulations and well done with your new plot. Its so exciting to take your first steps on a new, albeit overgrown path, especially in what appears to be the lovely weather you had that day. I'm going to look through your other videos now with hope of finding updates
I love to see the progress people make. I'd also like to subscribe to your channel with hope of future videos.
Just wanted to say hi, and thanks
Oh I forgot to say, if it isn't too late and you haven't yet removed the roots of the nettles, you could trim them back and instead of burning them you can soak them in water for a few weeks. This smell is revolting but the resulting water is a fantastic liquid nitrogen feed.
Good luck with the clearing up. But, don't be disheartened, It'll look great in a few years time. My was exactly like this when I inherited it.
Just come across this video and enjoyed it. You have quite a job on your hand, although of course by now (May 1st 2014) you may be on top of it.
I too recently got an allotment, so I am looking forward to my first growing season.
I am always surprised though that many allotments seem to get passed on far too late … it is pretty obvious that your plot hasn't been tackled for quite some time. You could probably have squeezed in a short growing season in 2013.
Good luck in your venture
The first day. I see lots of potential. Can't wait to see the rest of your vids. A lot to catch up on.
loved it
Must be a heartbreak to tackle that jungle. More power to your elbow.
hey you done really well good luck with your allotment
I just found this video and I'm glade this was the first one I found I can't wait to watch the progress. Thanks for filming this.
Just found your videos really good, you have such a great allotment with all those sheds, a nice jungle – do not understand why list are long when there are plots like yours overgrown and you could of had it sooner
I am on a waiting list for an allotment it is now down to 3 months from 18 months
Nora said to check out your videos, so I thought I would start.with your first video.
I can't believe this is the same plot! You have transformed this wilderness into an allotment, it's such a shame your neighbour has given his plot up… it looks so tidy and well kept. It dosn't look like that now, does it? Congratulations Adam, you've done a great job. Now all you have to do is keep it up haha.
I absolutely love your Johnny Depp, Pirates of the Caribbean look!! I had no idea that your plot was such a disaster. Why does it take so long for plots to be turned over to a responsible owner? Really cool to see where you started from! You should be quite proud of how things have worked out:))
Adam. Oh Adam. Checked out your first ever video. A scene of post-apocalyptic doom indeed. Now look at the difference.
I care a lot less about whether you're a whizz-bang allotmenteer (I actually believe you are) than I do about the story you're telling and the way you're telling it. Whether you realise it or not, you've set a standard for presentation that most others will struggle to match. Keep going, my friend. I for one will follow you all the way.
Shared everywhere I can, btw. Cheers!
Hey Adam, just thought I’d check out your first video. The plot was in a right state so well done in getting it to how you’ve got it now. Take care. Nick
Haha love the hair. Wow what a jungle you had, you were brave taking that on.
do you buy plots or rent them?
Hi Adam yes I have seen this already . Good effort.
Oh wow Adam, nice facial hair…. I've only been with you for about two years so this was a site to see. You really have brought the plot a long way over the years. You got a lot of work done on the fist day… T
I can see your blue fork trembling with prospect lol.
What a lovely plot! Such an amazing transformation looking back
Well done.
Adam, this wasn't the video I had clicked on, but this is the one that came into view. I don't think I've ever seen this one. How far your allotment has come in 6 years! Now, on to watch today's video.