Are you growing strawberries? are you going into fall? Then this tutorial is for you! I show you some super easy fall prepping steps to getting your strawberries ready for spring!
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The only way to make them come back every year I cover them with pine needles and they can back ten fold . The plants never died they stayed green the entire winter just frozen but that's how you get strawberries every year .
I just planted strawberries in a pot. It’s springtime in Los Angeles. I see 3 flowers and 1 strawberry. Since I just planted it, should I remove the flowers and berry?
Is you want to know how long it takes to produce strawberry pups watch here:
I want my strawberry to go wild and crazy
What kind of strawberries do you recommend for Michigan. I don't know the different types of strawberry plants.
Thank you for your video
Should I put anything under them. Is it ok to grow on the dirt? How do I protect it from getting eaten before I can harvest? Thanks!
please tell me how to make them taste better sweeter
Im so glad you have Mi as your name, i quickly clicked.. im in michigan tooo, i always thought i couldn't have a vegi n fruit garden cz of our weather.. after some research i guess i can, glad i came across you channel..
I grew some strawberries in a couple of big pots. Here in Michigan it gets so cold I didn't think they would survive so this Fall I've planted them in an overgrown flower bed that we cleaned out. Not the best time to plant I'm sure but had no choice. So if I mulch them will they survive? We have a plethora of pine needles available would they be better than maple leaves?
I dont know if you will see this, but what about trimming the leaves before mulching? I saw someone that trims all the leaves back to the crown then mulches…ever seen or done that?
Today Bought Special Strawberry plant and Cardamom|WhiteMarigold flower
I eat strawberries every week. I'm so addicted
I need to buy your fall strawberries
My alpine strawberries come back every year even after the snow and ice
My man knows his stuff glad I found you bro
It'd be great if you could do a video on this subject while you are actually planting the bed. I learn better by seeing then doing. Listening is nice, but not the same impact. Regardless, thanks for taking the time to share the info!
you make it sound so easy, I'm inspired to grow them. I do live in the south of NM though, any pointers on super dry, high heat summers?
This was so helpful.
I've witnessed here in CT get to temps of 11 F and the strawberry plants not dyeing… it takes a lot of cold to kill these hearty bunches.
I have 4 plants indoors near my window growing hope they produce
Straw, NOT hay.
Strawberries don't have rhizomes.
Dude it’s amazing seeing your old videos and comparing it to the new!! But I’ve started gardening watching your videos and in my first year I harvested a lot of tomatoes, eggplants, cabbage, peas, cauliflower, peppers, and potatoes. This year I added onions, strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries. I’d like to say thanks man for all the teachings
I have 3 strawberry beds and they are spreading which is awesome. Takes some work though
Aw, super young Luke! Look at all your hard-work paying off!!
I wanna make out with him
Hi Luke, I’m so glad I found you. Whatever I want to plant I first watch one of your videos on proper planting, fertilizers, watering, sun and care. Then I do the same. I’m having tremendous success! I’m doing raised beds, hay bales, permaculture, pots. Now I’m building some hog fencing trellises for my running vines. Just put in a 8 x 6 strawberry patch with your help. I’m 65 and started gardening last year. Doing great. My hubby really enjoys eating what I grow. Lol. Keep up the good work Luke.

I’m finding my strawberries laying on the ground and rotting. What can I use for a pillow for them to stay off the dirt?
Reeeally late here but good video. Helped me understand what to do there!