March 27, 2025

12 thoughts on “VIDEO: Seeds saved 2013

  1. Quick question Jay, how long will those seed potatoes in the cellar last? Great video, I'm going to share it on the Seed Savers Community on Google+. Looking good, Wayne

  2. Very good video, Jay!
    Nice collection of seeds you got there. I purchased trail of tears last year, and tried them out. I was surprized by the good taste of them, and will be growing them for next year as well. Still got left about hundred seed beans.
    I totally agree with you about "someone" controlling what to sow. The farmers here ain`t allowed to grow what they want to by law. (Especially old heirlooms) This is pritty scaring, and makes me very upset.


  3. continued:

    It seems to me that the big seed producers have a kind of control of our governments, and cooperates with them. I can`t really understand why our government couldn`t say no to this rubbish that`s going on.

    Cheers, Halvor.

  4. Looks like one definetely needs a green house in good old germany. But even here, it wasn´t a good year in general. Looking forward to see what comes out of the F1s! Good rant, too, Jay! All the best, amigo!

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