December 22, 2024

VIDEO: How to Know when Corn is Ready for Harvesting

It is time for us to harvest the last of our corn. In this video I will give you 3 tips that you can use to check if your corn is ready to be harvested or not. How do you like to eat your corn? I love it cooked with some butter, simple and perfect! One simple way of telling is corn is ready to be harvested is the color of the kernel’s liquid.

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21 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Know when Corn is Ready for Harvesting

  1. Well, one can pick the fresh juicy cob, and peel off the leaves and silk; then stick a sturdy fork in the end of the cob, and hold it over the campfire or fireplace, and rotating it until each grain "pops". Then rub butter all over it and eat while it's still hot. Corn toasted and burst on the cob. Very delish. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. Yeah it has to be in a greenhouse with us because of our climate, Google hangouts is a place where you can talk to other people online either through a webcam or just by a microphone and discuss about anything really. Thanks for watching Ray ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Me personally I would've picked the ear you showed a week or two earlier. Sweet corn is ready when the top of the ear begins to feel rounded off and the kernels are touching each other lightly. If you wait too long you end up with bloated kernels that looked squished together on the ear, and the kernels become chewy. Good sweet corn kernels should crunch in your mouth and be crisp.

  4. Hey video. Wow, 2013 you did this video?amazing! anyway, now I know when to harvest thanks. I'm a first time corn grower. I have 12 stalks to test and see if I could do it. Results are not shabby, I did good. Question: what do I do with the corn patch after harvest? Dig tham out or??? Your answer would be greatly appreciated.

  5. nice one man we live in brasil and whenever i hear your voice i know im gonna get the right info ,, just harvested our corn today ,, and yes mate melted butter only way to go ,,,,cheers

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